Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) is becoming more widely available to companies across the UK with infrastructure being installed in more locations helping companies to have improved connectivity services in even some of the more remote locations. FTTP replaces the more traditional copper based broadband like ADSL with the fibre connection running the entire way from the local exchange to the property. This type of connection promises to deliver a more consistent, reliable and faster service removing the headache of drops in signal which you may be subject to when using a more traditional cooper line. The delivery method of carrying light down the fibre optic cable ensures the speeds and overall performance are unaffected by the distance between your property and the exchange.
FTTP offers the highest transfer speeds available among all contended services. FTTP is a shared contended service with other locations which can lead to speed fluctuations at peak times however users should still notice a considerable improvement in their service compared to copper based. Upload and download speeds can differ, e.g. a higher download than upload.
An easy availability checker can confirm whether FTTP is available in your area. If currently unavailable with the expansions continuing it may not be long before your company can benefit from a more reliable and faster connection.
to discuss further, get in touch with the Fibre 1 team today!