Noss Head Aims for Instant Highlands and Islands Glory

26th September 2019

The Scottish highlands and islands have long been a beloved destination for tourists from all over the UK, Europe and beyond. People from every country in the world flock to our beautiful coastlines and countryside year after year. With so many visitors choosing Scotland as their preferred destination, it’s no wonder that competition for the Highlands […]

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£80,000 approved in latest Caithness and North Sutherland Fund’s grant awards

20th September 2019

A YOUTH club and a broch-building project are among seven community initiatives to benefit from more than £80,000 in the Caithness and North Sutherland Fund’s latest grant awards. Fund chairman David Glass said: “Our latest funding includes improvements to youth activities, community and recreational facilities as well as progressing an ambitious project to establish a […]

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Police station project secures funding

20th September 2019

Dornoch Area Community Interest Company (DACIC) is celebrating the substantial award from the Scottish Land Fund, which will enable the group to purchase the town’s police station. Police Scotland has already provisionally agreed an asset transfer at a discounted price with contracts due to be completed in November. It is understood to be the first […]

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Serco awarded £450m contract for Northern Isles Ferry Services

20th September 2019

Serco, the international service company, has been selected as preferred bidder to continue managing and operating the lifeline Northern Isles Ferry Services for passengers and freight between the Scottish mainland and the Orkney Islands and Shetland Islands, providing essential access and supplies for the islanders. The outcome of the tender was announced by the Minister […]

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Glass initiative gets funding boost

13th September 2019

The Community Design House ambassador programme at Lybster-based North Lands Creative has received an award of £15,000 from the E.ON Camster Community Fund towards its core running costs. The Community Design House programme is North Lands Creative’s main activity this year. It seeks to train 30 community ambassadors and inform the wider community on the […]

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Entrepreneurial spirit hailed at Caithness Chamber of Commerce 47th annual dinner

11th September 2019

Caithness Chamber of Commerce celebrated a successful year for business, and the entrepreneurial spirit in the area, at its 47th annual dinner held at Wick’s Norseman Hotel on Friday 6th September 2019. Among the highlights of this year’s event – attended by more than 200 businesses – were the awards for young businesses and entrepreneur, […]

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Executive Magazine – August 2019

24th August 2019

Get all the latest news from the Chamber and our members in the August 2019 edition of our newsletter in Executive Magazine! Click the image below to open the newsletter in an online PDF viewer.

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North Highland College UHI appoints new Engineering Technology and Energy Centre Director

15th August 2019

North Highland College UHI is delighted to announce the appointment of Mr Giles Huby as the new Director of its Engineering, Technology and the Energy Centre (ETEC) at its Thurso campus. Mr Giles Huby, originally from Yorkshire, is a chartered engineer and Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society. He has nearly 30 years’ experience in […]

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New Apprenticeship Hub to Support North Highland Communities

15th August 2019

North Highland College UHI and Developing the Young Workforce North Highland (DYW) initiative, led by Caithness Chamber of Commerce, have signed a partnership agreement to formalise their new initiative, The Apprenticeship Hub. The initiative aims to create a collaborative approach between North Highland College UHI and Developing the Young Workforce North Highland to support growth […]

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A successful summer of drop-ins for EDIC North Highlands & Islands

31st July 2019

The Europe Direct Information Centre (EDIC) for the North Highlands & Islands has just finished a successful summer programme of drop-in events at libraries and community facilities around the region. Over the course of July, the EDIC team travelled to Dornoch, Kirkwall, Thurso, Tongue and Wick to host drop-in sessions for anyone with questions or […]

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