A Magazine from Harper Macleod – The Brief, for individuals and families

18th November 2020

The Brief, from Harper Macleod aims to keep individuals and families up to date with issues that could be important to them. From the very first moment of lockdown, Harper Macleod’s focus has been on the health and wellbeing of everyone they know, be they colleagues, clients, contacts or simply the communities in which they […]

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Highland residents can help the environment and vulnerable members of their local community by donating their old small electricals

18th November 2020

New electrical waste collection containers in Highland will aim to collect 24,000 unwanted small electrical items providing 1,200 of refurbished affordable electricals for local residents. Householders in Highland will be able to easily declutter their unwanted small electricals via a new service providing 10 new collection containers funded by Material Focus to support ILM Highland and help save the environment. […]

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Highland Council to consult on Common Good property list for Wick

18th November 2020

The Highland Council is today (17 November 2020) launching a consultation giving the community until 12 March 2021 to comment on the proposed contents of the Common Good Fund Asset Register for Wick. The Highland Council does not currently hold a Common Good Fund for the former Royal Burgh of Wick. However, following an unrelated title examination, […]

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Scottish Chambers of Commerce respond to the second review of the Covid-19 Strategic Framework

17th November 2020

On the First Minister’s speech today outlining the outcomes of the second review of the Covid-19 Strategic Framework, Dr Liz Cameron, Chief Executive of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce, said: “The economy has been dealt another blow today. Returning to lockdown makes Christmas an increasingly bleak prospect, particularly for those people and their families whose […]

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Kickstart Scheme – sign up via Inverness Chamber

12th November 2020

The UK Government’s Kickstart Scheme provides funding to create new, fully subsidised job placements for 16-24 year olds on Universal Credit who are at risk of long-term unemployment. Employers of any size will receive funding for 100% of the relevant National Minimum Wage for 25 hours a week, plus associated employer National Insurance contributions and employer minimum auto-enrolment […]

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Executive Magazine November 2020

11th November 2020

The Executive Magazine is back in physical production and should have made it into your Inverness Courier yesterday. You can also read it online, this month includes our usual quarterly Caithness Chamber Newsletter. Read the full magazine here and see just the Caithness Chamber Newsletter here or read below. The Newsletter includes updates from; Mackays […]

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Scottish Chambers of Commerce respond to the first review of the Covid-19 Strategic Framework

10th November 2020

On the First Minister’s speech today outlining the outcomes of the first review of the Covid-19 Strategic Framework, Dr Liz Cameron, Chief Executive of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce, said: “Businesses and communities will be greatly relieved that a national lockdown has not been imposed across Scotland. However, as soon as evidence shows the growth […]

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Scottish Chamber of Commerce respond to Q3 2020 ONS Labour Market Statistics

10th November 2020

Commenting on the ONS labour market statistics for the three months up to September 2020, published today, Dr Liz Cameron, Chief Executive of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce, said: “As we see official statistics catch up and start to reflect the real impact on unemployment and job losses, it is clear to see the growing […]

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Supporting EU Citizens to Stay in Scotland – a guide for employers

10th November 2020

Following decisions by the UK Government the UK has now left the EU. EU citizens and their families will have to apply to the UK Government’s EU Settlement Scheme by 30 June 2021 in order to continue living, working and studying in the UK after that date. Scottish Government have produced a package of support […]

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Scottish Business urge Scottish Government not to impose “panic” lockdown

9th November 2020

The Scottish Chambers of Commerce has issued an urgent appeal to the Scottish Government over fears that the level of coronavirus restrictions is set to rise needlessly, causing untold damage to the lives of people across Scotland. Tim Allan, President, Scottish Chambers of Commerce said:   “Scotland is at breaking point and at risk of […]

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