Scottish Chambers of Commerce respond to latest Scottish Government COVID-19 announcement

20th April 2021

Responding to the Scottish Government’s latest COVID-19 announcement, Dr Liz Cameron OBE, Chief Executive of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce, said: “Today’s confirmation that more businesses can finally open their doors to begin trading again is great news. We have been waiting a long time to finally welcome our customers back. We must remember there are many […]

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State-of-the-art robotic technology will be used as part of an innovative project led by Cavendish Nuclear

19th April 2021

State-of-the-art robotic technology will be used as part of an innovative project led by Cavendish Nuclear, to transform the way nuclear waste material is sorted – more safely, quicker and at lower cost. Cavendish Nuclear, a wholly owned subsidiary of Babcock International Group, has won funding for its new OptiSORT system, which will be carried […]

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Caithness Chamber of Commerce calls for “relationship reset” as Holyrood elections approach 

15th April 2021

Caithness Chamber of Commerce is calling for the relationship between businesses and politicians to be reset in a policy document issued ahead of the Holyrood election.  Caithness Chamber said Scottish Parliamentarians need to understand and support the value and importance of business in their policy programmes, in a paper entitled “Rally for Growth”, a business-led action plan […]

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SCC: Scottish businesses continue to count costs of pandemic

14th April 2021

Businesses in Scotland are at a crossroads as they take stock of the damage caused by the pandemic and face significant hurdles on the way to economic recovery, according to a leading quarterly survey led by the Scottish Chambers of Commerce (SCC). The SCC’s Quarterly Economic Indicator (QEI) for the first quarter of 2021 completes […]

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Scottish Chambers of Commerce respond to latest Scottish Government lockdown review

13th April 2021

Responding to the Scottish Government’s latest review of lockdown easing, Dr Liz Cameron OBE, Chief Executive of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce, said: “Today’s announcement has not offered solace for businesses who are ready to safely open up now. We have been calling for the crucial detail behind the levels criteria to be published. Without […]

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Scottish Chambers of Commerce Welcomes Global Travel Framework but warns we need the “detail”

9th April 2021

Responding to the UK Government’s announcement on a traffic light system for the restart of international travel, Dr Liz Cameron OBE, Chief Executive of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce, said: “Whilst this announcement does not give a full and meaningful restart to the aviation and tourism industry, there are signs of green shoots emerging. The […]

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OPPORTUNITY: North Highland College – Independent Board Members

1st April 2021

North Highland College UHI is a partner in the University of the Highlands and Islands and a leading college of further and higher education offering training, education and skills development opportunities from access to PhD level. The college has gone through major expansion over recent years and we are proud to have four campuses serving […]

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Caithness Chamber of Commerce announces extended and expanded business support programme

30th March 2021

Caithness Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that, thanks to continued support from Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd (DSRL), it will be extending and expanding its business support programme for a further three years. The financial support from DSRL will enable the Chamber to provide support to both new and existing businesses across Caithness and […]

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Scottish Chambers of Commerce respond to latest update on lockdown restrictions from Scottish Government

30th March 2021

Responding to the latest update on lockdown restrictions from the First Minister, Dr Liz Cameron OBE, Chief Executive of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce, said: “Businesses will be relieved on the confirmation that hairdressers, click and collect services and garden centres, will be able to re-open from 5th April. As the vaccine rollout continues to give […]

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Defence and Security Accelerator Business Breakfast round up

25th March 2021

On Wednesday 23rd March, we were joined by Dr Debra Carr from The Defence & Security Accelerator (DASA). DASA, which is part of the Ministry of Defence, finds, funds and fast-tracks ideas that are of interest to HM Armed Forces and UK Security. DASA’s Scottish based Innovation Partner, Dr Debra Carr briefed participants on the […]

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