Signs of hope for scottish business but cost pressures and inflationary concerns continue to hamper prospects

6th April 2023

The latest findings from a leading Scottish business survey by the Scottish Chambers of Commerce (SCC), confirm that the beginning of 2023 provided welcome respite for some sectors of the economy more so than others, after a difficult end to 2022. However, this comes from a very weak base, and while confidence has generally increased, […]

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Two New DASA Competitions

6th April 2023

We have two new DASA competitions to tell you about. 1. Using AI to Scope out the Grey Zone – closes midday 06 June This competition is seeking novel ideas that explore Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR). There are three challenge areas Indicators and warnings – what is happening in the information environment? […]

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Scottish Chamber of Commerce – London Business Visit

3rd April 2023

The annual Scottish Chambers of Commerce London Business Visit is established as Scottish business’s premium political and commercial networking and influencing forum in the Capital. These visits offer Scottish companies unrivalled access to top Westminster politicians and City business leaders. The 2023 Business Visit will take place from 15th – 18th May 2023 and will […]

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VIBES Scottish Environment Business Awards

30th March 2023

  The NDA are proud sponsors of VIBES Scottish Environment Business Awards which are showcasing what Scottish businesses are doing to reach the Scottish Government’s ambitious target to become ‘Net Zero’ by 2045. The prestigious multi-partner awards are calling on businesses to share their inspiring stories, encouraging others to reduce their impact on the environment […]

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Scottish Chamber of Commerce welcomes new First Minister

27th March 2023

Responding to the announcement that Humza Yousaf MSP has successfully become the new SNP leader and First Minister, Dr Liz Cameron CBE, Chief Executive, Scottish Chambers of Commerce, said: “We congratulate Humza Yousaf on his successful campaign to become the new First Minister. We look forward to working closely with him to restore business confidence […]

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Back Scotland’s Businesses says Scottish Chambers of Commerce Network

22nd March 2023

  The Scottish Chambers of Commerce Network has called on the next SNP Leader and First Minister to Back Scotland’s Businesses by committing to economic growth as their number one priority. In an open letter, SCC has asked each candidate to commit to tackling the most urgent issues facing the business community: Will economic growth be your […]

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Caithness and North Sutherland Fund – Board Vacancies

22nd March 2023

The Caithness & North Sutherland Fund is a community fund established by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd to distribute a £4M funding package to community projects that will increase the attractiveness of Caithness & North Sutherland as a place to live, work and invest. We are looking to fill two vacancies on our […]

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DASA – £1M Themed Competition

22nd March 2023

We have just launched a new £1m Themed Competition for dstl – Analysing and understanding audiences. This competition closes at midday 30 May. The full competition document is here We have 15-minute dial-in sessions so that you can talk with the technical team about your ideas on 30 March and 04 April. These slots […]

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Caithness Chamber of Commerce appointed as Administrator of the Caithness and North Sutherland Fund

21st March 2023

The Caithness and North Sutherland Fund (CNSF) has announced the appointment of Caithness Chamber of Commerce as Fund Administrator. Fiona Forbes, the new Chair of the CNSF commented: “The CNSF Board is delighted to have engaged the Caithness Chamber to administer the fund on a day-to-day basis. With a strong foothold in the socio-economic landscape […]

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Breathe new life into your business through home grown talent and skilled apprenticeships

20th March 2023

Trudy Morris, Chief Executive, Caithness Chamber of Commerce. Breathe new life into your business through home grown talent and skilled apprenticeships. Even in the snow-blanketed North Highlands, spring is in the air. A time of rebirth, renewal, and hope – even in the most turbulent of times, the sight of the first snowdrops along the […]

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