Impact Hub Inverness – Vexed by VAT

11th August 2020, 11:00 to 12:30

Do you struggle with VAT? Unsure what applies to you as a social enterprise? This networking event is an open forum for you to ask all the questions you’ve ever wanted to ask about VAT and more importantly to get the answers. Leading the session will be Chair of the board, David Owen, a master with figures […]

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Third Party Events

VisitScotland: An Introduction to Local Search Engine Optimisation

5th August 2020, 10:00 to 11:00

This webinar will look into optimisation tactics to help websites rank higher and generate more business. • Intro to Google My business – Bing places • Intro to Citations and how they work • Basic on site optimisation tips • Intro to tools used to track performance. Grab yourself a cuppa and settle down for […]

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Member Events

HMRC – Extension to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and flexible furloughing

5th August 2020, 00:00 to 14th August 2020, 00:00

This webinar provides an overview of the changes to the scheme, how employers will be affected, flexible furloughing, key dates and support available. This webinar is offered several times, click here to find out more.

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Interface – The Role of Food Tourism in Scotland’s Tourism Recovery, Post Covid-19

4th August 2020, 11:00 to 12:15

This webinar will explore how food tourism can contribute to Scotland’s tourism recovery, post Covid-19, and what this means for businesses while being mindful of how to balance the needs of the local economy with those of local communities. Click here to find out more.

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HIE: What Next for Connectivity, Infrastructure and Energy

4th August 2020, 10:00 to 11:00

What next? It’s the question we’ve all been asking. As we look beyond lockdown towards recovery, we face an uncertain future. What next for our society and our economy? Different parts of rural Scotland will face different challenges, and perhaps different opportunities, in our recovery from the COVID-19 crisis, which will require different local or […]

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HMRC Talking Points – Extension of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and flexible furloughing

31st July 2020, 12:45 to 13:45

This webinar provides an overview of the changes to the scheme, how employers will be affected, flexible furloughing, key dates and support available. Click here to find out more.

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HMRC Talking Points – Extension of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and flexible furloughing

30th July 2020, 12:45 to 13:45

This webinar provides an overview of the changes to the scheme, how employers will be affected, flexible furloughing, key dates and support available. Click here to find out more.

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VisitScotland – Supporting our Towns

30th July 2020, 10:00 to 11:00

With the recent re-opening of the retail, hospitality & tourism sectors our local towns and city centres are now open for business. These sectors have seen the biggest impact of COVID-19 and need support, collaboration and partnership working to ensure a positive recovery. VisitScotland will be joined by Phil Prentice, Chief Officer, Scotland’s Towns Partnership […]

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