Baillie Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund – September closing date for applications

27th September 2021, 00:01 to 23:59

Baillie Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund‘s objectives are to fairly and reasonably disburse funds resulting from the receipt of the annual grant of £100,000 from Baillie Wind Farm for the general benefit of the public living within the current boundaries of the West Caithness Community Council as the directors see fit. The Fund may also consider applications from […]

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Chamber Events

NEXUS webinar – Climate Tech and the digital opportunities available for businesses

21st September 2021, 11:00 to 12:00

Speaker Marc Strathie, Head of Policy and Research at ScotlandIS, will explain about the Climate Tech sector and the digital opportunities available for businesses. He will also tell us about a range of SMEs from across the region and throughout Scotland, who have already made use of digital opportunities to tackle climate related challenges. He […]

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Member Events

Practical Sustainability with Professor Julieanna Powell-Turner

21st September 2021, 10:30 to 16:00

Professor Julieanna Powell-Turner will be visiting Caithness on 21 September to deliver two sessions on the practicalities of sustainability along with Magnus Davidson from the ERI in Thurso. These sessions will take place in the Royal British Legion Scotland, Thurso from 10:30 and 14:00 and are free to attend for any business interested in learning […]

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Steps to Inspiring Young People with Additional Support Needs

14th September 2021, 13:00 to 16:30

Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) has partnered with disability experts ENABLE Scotland to deliver an interactive session for employers to explore the steps to inspiring young people with additional support needs. This webinar will provide employers with the tools to inform and inspire young people with additional needs while they’re still at school and provide […]

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Expanding Your Procurement Marketplace

8th September 2021, 10:00 to 11:30

This webinar from the Supplier Development Programme will help experienced bidders to grow their business by exploring new public sector markets, including bidding for OJEU and international contracts Key topics: Seeking new opportunities in the Rest of UK, Europe and beyond Changing sectors Market development strategy Facing challenges: logistical and cultural Working with the private […]

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Meet the Buyer North

7th September 2021, 10:00 to 15:00

The Supplier Development Programme will hold the 4th Annual Meet the Buyer North virtually, as a fully online event on Tuesday, 7 September 2021 with headline partners, the Scottish Government and Scottish Procurement Alliance. Meet the Buyer North 2021 will see online exhibitors from the public sector, private contractors and business support providers. This free event […]

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Food Waste Webinar with Zero Waste Scotland

1st September 2021, 10:00 to 11:00

As part of our programme of sustainability business support, the Chamber has partnered with Zero Waste Scotland to deliver a free webinar on food waste to our members on 1 September 2021 from 10:00. Zero Waste Scotland will be highlighting the environmental impact of food waste, the targets businesses should be setting, the free support on offer […]

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Bitesize Training – workshop on International Trade

28th August 2021, 15:00 to 16:00

In addition to the half day international trade training workshop which Inverness Chamber of Commerce provide which covers a broad range of import and export topics, they’re delighted to now be launching a new “Bitesize Training” workshop with the next session taking place on Wednesday 25th of August. This bitesize training is a shorter version […]

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