How do we encourage people to pursue careers in Tourism and Hospitality?

29th March 2022, 11:00 to 30th March 2022, 12:00

In the third Talking Tourism event, Venture North will be joined by industry speakers to discuss career pathways in the tourism and hospitality sector. With 15.6% of people in Caithness and Sutherland employed in the accommodation and food services, the second highest employing sector in the region, showcasing careers pathways for entry and development into the sector […]

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Member Events

Space Sector Briefing – Business Breakfast

29th March 2022, 08:00 to 09:00

Caithness Chamber of Commerce would like to invite you to attend a business breakfast at 08:00 on Tuesday 29 March in Mackays Hotel, Wick to hear more about the upcoming opportunities in the space sector. You may already be aware of the significant steps that have been taken over the last few years to bring space sector […]

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Chamber Events

Skills Development Scotland Masterclass: Starting Your Journey to Net Zero

24th March 2022, 09:30 to 11:00

This masterclass webinar will look at making a start with your Net Zero journey and get you to start exploring what action you can take now. About this event The content will cover: Defining net zero What’s the goal and why Potential related benefits for your business/support available. An introduction to Skills for Growth. It […]

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Discover the Horizon Europe Civil Security for Society programme with DASA

23rd March 2022, 13:00 to 14:00

Join this webinar to find out about the Horizon Europe Civil Security for Society work programme and how to access funding. About this event The Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) is pleased to provide an opportunity to discover more about the Horizon Europe Civil Security for Society work programme. With security challenges rapidly evolving, and […]

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What does Net Zero and Sustainable Tourism look like for us?

22nd March 2022, 11:00 to 12:00

What does sustainable tourism mean for our area? Join Venture North in their second Talking Tourism event to discuss all things net zero & sustainability Now more than ever, discussions are being made around sustainability and in particular how the tourism sector can contribute in delivering “green tourism”. But what exactly does this mean? How can […]

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Making Tax Digital for VAT

18th March 2022, 09:45 to 10:45

This webinar from HMRC will provide some of the basics of Making Tax Digital for VAT. This will include what’s changing, using software and keeping digital records, plus an introduction to penalty reform. From April 2022, these requirements will apply to all VAT-registered businesses, to include those that have a turnover below the VAT threshold. […]

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Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Reporting – Why you need to care

16th March 2022, 10:00 to 11:00

Lochaber Chamber of Commerce are supporting the event below on the 16th March which members from fellow highland chambers are invited to attend. Join IASeminars for their ESG Reporting – Why you need to care webinar on 16 March to find out a high level introduction to ESG reporting for business. An ESG report is a report published by a business or organisation about environmental, social […]

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Delivering Growth through Wholesale – Meet the Wholesaler

15th March 2022, 09:30 to 15:15

The Scottish Wholesalers Association (SWA) is working with the Scottish Agricultural Organisation Society (SAOS) and Scotland Food & Drink to deliver a ‘Meet the Wholesaler’ event as part of the next phase of the ‘Delivering Growth through Wholesale’ programme. Designed to facilitate opportunities for engagement and business between producers and wholesalers, the Meet the Wholesaler […]

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