20th October 2021, 12:00 to 12:45 @ Webinar

You can do a lot to reduce your organisation’s energy costs by changing equipment and processes.  However, to bring about and maximise improvements for lasting benefit, it’s vital to get your colleagues on board with your energy efficiency initiatives.

In this webinar, Zero Waste Scotland will share a suite of professional communications tools that you can start using in your business straight away. They’ll then hand the floor over to fantastic guest speakers who will share their experience of motivating their colleagues to adopt new behaviours.

This is a great opportunity for you to pick up some winning, tried-and-tested ideas for your business – and that should make your life easier.

You will learn:

  • How other businesses have successfully motivated their staff to save energy, water and reduce waste.
  • How to plan your staff engagement activity.
  • How to use rewards to motivate your colleagues and teams.
  • The importance of a green team and how to set one up.
  • How to access free campaign posters, green team support and staff training resources.

Find out more and book your free place at Zero Waste Scotland.

To find out more about any of the events advertised on the Chamber site, or to speak to our team about promoting your own event, contact us today on:

E: info@caithnesschamber.com
T: 01847 890076