To support those who’ve delayed their customs import declarations, HMRC explain the steps you need to take before you can make a supplementary declaration and how intermediaries can help you do this.

Please register to take part if you’ve imported goods since 1 January 2021 and not yet completed a customs declaration for them.

Find out more and register your free place here.

This 30 minute bitesize webinar from Companies House will take you through the requirements for setting up a limited company and the annual filing requirements.

Click here to find out more and register your free place.

If you are thinking of starting a Community Interest Company, this webinar from Companies House will give you an overview of the steps you need to take. A CIC is a special form of non-charitable limited company, which exists primarily to benefit a community or with a view to pursuing a social purpose, rather than to make a profit for shareholders.

Find out more and register your free place by clicking here.

This webinar from HMRC will provide an overview of the CIS scheme including how to start the scheme, payment and deduction statements and what records you need to keep.

Click here to find out more and register your free place.

This webinar from HMRC will provide an overview of the CIS scheme including subcontractors, what information you need to report to HMRC and how long you need to keep records for.

Click here to find out more and register your free place.

The new graduate visa route is a new post study work visa that will enable UK employers to access an additional talent pool of graduates who have studied in the UK.

Employers will not require to sponsor them which means that this is a flexible visa that can be used for any job with any salary level – potentially offering a solution for employers struggling to recruit for certain roles without the visa fees involved in sponsorship.

Join our webinar to hear more about:

  • Which international graduates will be eligible for this visa
  • The fees to be paid by the visa applicant;
  • What happens at the end of the 2 or 3 year visa if you decide to retain the individual and sponsor them;
  • Employing international students during their studies
  • A brief update on right to work checks for international students.

Sign up to attend here.

Employing Young People in Construction

Wednesday June 9th at 10.30am

Join Construction Scotland Innovation Centre on the 9th June for an information session for employers in the construction sector looking to bring young people into their workforce.


  • 10.30 Introduction and Welcome Kirsty Duncan (Construction Scotland Innovation Centre)
  • 10.35 Young Person’s Guarantee Neil Pedersen (Young Person’s Guarantee Unit at Scottish Government)
  • 10.45 & Recruitment, Katie MacKenzie (Skills Development Scotland)
  • 10.55 Support for Apprentice Recruitment, Michael Lennox ( Construction Industry Training Board)
  • 11.10 Employer Example, Lauri Barker (McLaughlin & Harvey Construction Ltd)
  • 11.15 Audience Q&A

Please register to attend this event using this link.

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Scotland: The Young Person’s Guarantee: what role can employers play?

Monday June 7th at 12.30pm

In November 2020 Sandy Begbie, CEO of Scottish Financial Enterprise, published the Young Person’s Guarantee, No One Left Behind, which outlined a programme to support young people and ultimately guarantee them a place in education, training or employment within the next two years.

Employers are integral to the design, delivery and success of Scotland’s Young Person Guarantee, and CIPD are working with the Scottish Government to outline how and why organisations should get involved.

Organisers are delighted that Melanie Hill, Director of Social Projects and Sector Education and Mairi Elder, Social Projects and Sector Education Manager from ScottishPower are joining the session to explain why they invest in the young workforce and the return it brings to the business.

ScottishPower have developed exciting and innovative approaches to recruiting and supporting a diverse range of young talent. From schools based delivery, to internships for young people with learning disabilities they provide over 150 opportunities for young people each year.

The session will be an opportunity to hear more about the work they deliver and engage in conversation about why they have chosen to support Scotland’s Young Person’s Guarantee.

Please use this link to register.

With the introduction of the new Points Based System which now applies equally to EU and non-EU citizens, we invite you to join us as we discuss the changes that affect the sponsorship process and your sponsor licence going forward. This webinar, aimed at Scottish based SMEs, is presented by Brodies LLP, TalentScotland’s immigration specialists.

Click here to find out more.