Join Business Gateway on Tuesday February 9th at 10am for our webinar on Sales: How to find them, make them & keep them!

We’ll look at a structured approach you can use to support your sales strategy & delivery – designed to fit the needs of small businesses.

Click here to find out more.

When budgets are tight it can be difficult to find the funds for marketing.

Join Business Gateway on Friday 5th February at 2pm for top tips, practical advice & insight on how you can increase sales & engagement with low cost & effective marketing. Essential information for most right now!

Click here to find out more.

Join Business Gateway & VisitScotland on Thursday 4th February at 12pm to look at the core elements you need to get right in your digital activity to survive & thrive in 2021. Including the importance of your visibility online, use of social platforms and the management of your online reputation.

Click here to find out more.

The University of Strathclyde, in conjunction with National Subsea Research Initiative (NSRI) and Subsea UK, have announced a new foundation-level course focusing on offshore renewable energy.
Aimed at professionals including designers, developers and contractors, as well as government organisations, financial and legal institutions, the newly-developed course will help delegates understand the technical and business aspects of the offshore renewables sector as we adapt to a Net Zero future.
The course, delivered by experts from across the sector, examines the full lifecycle of offshore renewable energy assets, from design, manufacture, installation, power generation and ultimately decommissioning.
The course takes place over two days, from 25-26 February 2021, with a morning and afternoon session each day.
Download the course content and schedule here: View course flyer

Day One (25 February 2021)

Morning (09:00 – 12:00)

Business Framework

  • Background
  • Regulatory Frameworks
  • Safety and Environment
  • Cost and Economics

Afternoon (13:00 – 16:00)

Engineering Principles

  • Resources & Locations
  • Marine and Environmental Loading
  • Structural Analysis

Day Two (26 February 2021)

Morning (09:00 – 12:00)

Systems in the Offshore Environment

  • Design, Manufacture & System Integration
  • Load-out and Installation
  • Integrity Management, Inspection and Life Extension
  • Decommissioning and Re-purposing

Afternoon (13:00 – 16:00)

Technology Application Opportunities

  • Big Data
  • Data Management
  • Challenges and Opportunities
  • Further Learning
Booking and costs: Two-day access – £650.

Suppliers are invited to learn about working with the Shared Procurement Service across three Scottish local authorities: Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeenshire Council, and Highland Council, during a free webinar from the Supplier Development Programme. The webinar takes place on Wednesday 27th January from 2pm -3.30pm.

This webinar will help suppliers to:

  • Learn about the Shared Procurement Service and its role across three local authorities
  • Understand how its tender processes work
  • Find out where and how the Shared Procurement Service advertises tender opportunities
  • Gain an insight into upcoming tender and framework opportunities
  • Learn about the Supplier Development Programme’s range of training services, and how it can support you to become ‘tender ready’ for these upcoming contract and framework opportunities

You can attend the webinar from the comfort of your own desk – the joining instructions and link will be emailed to you the day before the event.

To register please click here to go to the event page.

To prepare, you can access SDP’s top tips on how to join a webinar, or alternatively please email if you have any further questions about the joining process.

Join us to look at the core elements you need to get right in your digital activity in 2021

In this new webinar we will look at the what you need to get right in your digital activity in 2021 to ensure you convert browsers into visitors.

Here is what we will cover during the webinar:

1.Draw on the insights VisitScotland has gathered about pre-booking online visitor journeys and how they can help your business

2.Get your business visible online with the right content, at the right time, on the right platform.

3.Assess the quality of your online presence and know if you reach your intended audience.

4.Learn how to create and use your database, social platforms, and manage your online reputation.

5.Become confident knowing that you are making the most of your digital marketing.

This event is run in partnership between VisitScotland and Business Gateway’s DigitalBoost programme.

Register to attend this webinar using this link

Arm yourself with tactics, research, data & plans to keep your tourism business going in 2021

Join Visit Scotland on this tourism specific webinar where we you will learn to assess your current products and marketing activity in order to ensure your profile is just right for the Scottish and Domestic market in 2021.

We will cover:

1.What research and segmentation VS have on the UK & Irish market including Scotland & VFR

2.What the data indicates are the core and changed needs, sentiment and intent of these markets

3.What is the likely customer journey and what top tips for tactics and platforms you might better engage with them?

a.Database – how you can create and engage


c.Website plus content

d.Distribution – including UK based wholesalers and OTA’s

4.What are VisitScotland’s plans and activities for Spring/Summer that might help you and your business.

This event is run in partnership between VisitScotland and Business Gateway’s DigitalBoost programme.

Register to attend this webinar using this link

What does leaving the EU mean for your business? Join us to find out what you need to do now & the potential impact on your business.

This webinar on Leaving the EU will help you understand the impact on your business & provide actions and insight into what you need to do next. It will cover:

  • Moving goods between the UK and the EU: importing, exporting, understanding tariffs and customs procedures
  • VAT and fiscal representation
  • Supply Chain implications, trading with Northern Ireland
  • Ecommerce directive post Brexit
  • Protecting Intellectual Property
  • Data flow post Brexit
  • Reviewing contracts for the post Brexit era
  • HR issues arising from Brexit including employing EU citizens, post Brexit business travel.

You will get a detailed view of the changes that will impact businesses. Attendees will also have the opportunity to ask questions and gain valuable & practical advice.

Register to attend this webinar using this link.

Find out how customer insight can help your tourism business adapt & get ready for recovery.

Running a tourism business in Scotland? Assessing your current business model, and adapting to the new normal will be key for a successful 2021.

Learn from Visit Scotland on how you can adapt to meet the challenges ahead & get insight into how to prepare for recovery.

What to Expect from this webinar

During this session we will be talking you through:

1.What research has been carried out so far

2.What the data has indicated in terms of change in sentiment, intent and actual travel for UK residents

3.What are the macro global trends.

4.How can tourism business adopt to those changes and turn them into opportunity. Including examples.

5.What is the short to medium term outlook and what does that mean for tourism business in Scotland

6.What practical actions can tourism business take to be in the best position to remain sustainable and recover.

This event is run in partnership between VisitScotland and Business Gateway’s DigitalBoost programme.

Register to attend this webinar using this link.