1 day course from HelCat Training.

If you require further information or wish to book a course
Telephone 01847 894560 or Email angela@helcattraining.com

1 day course from HelCat Training.

If you require further information or wish to book a course
Telephone 01847 894560 or Email angela@helcattraining.com

1 day course from HelCat Training.

If you require further information or wish to book a course
Telephone 01847 894560 or Email angela@helcattraining.com

This free one-day seminar being offered by Highland Child Protection Committee aims to bring together knowledge and experience in relation to mental health issues affecting adults and children/young people. The event aims to help practitioners better understand different mental health issues and disorders and the impact these can have on families and individuals. Practitioners will have an opportunity to consider their responses and how we can work most effectively in partnership with children, young people and parents/carers.

For more information and to book, click here.

This course is suitable for employees who are nominated as Fire Wardens within their organisation. To take part in Fire Warden training, it is compulsory that attendees have completed the Fire Safety Awareness Course first. The Fire Warden Course will give employees nominated as Fire Wardens a greater knowledge of what is expected of them when the fire alarm goes off.  It is essential that staff know what they must do to safeguard themselves and others on the premises and to have an awareness of the importance of their actions. This includes risk reduction, maintenance of fire safety measures and action if there is a fire. This course costs £50pp To book, click here

Upon completion of this basic safety training course, participants may undertake Fire Warden training to provide them with the tools and knowledge to implement a fire action plan in the event of a real fire. This course will follow the Safety Awareness course, taking place in the afternoon.

This course gives delegates an all-round knowledge of Fire Warden duties, what to do in the event of a fire and how to prevent a fire from happening.

Course elements:

• Definitions of responsible persons

• Pro-active duties of the Fire Warden

• Actions on hearing the fire alarm

• Actions for evacuation

• Actions on arrival at the assembly point

• Notifying the fire brigade

Upon completion of the course the candidates will be able to:

• Act safely, promptly and effectively in the Fire Warden role

• Understand their basic warden duties and how to carry them out safely

• Carry out basic daily fire safety checks

This basic safety course is recommended for all employees at any level in the organisation. Fire Safety Awareness teaches delegates a theoretical understanding of fire safety equipment and procedures, including fire extinguisher colour coding, when a fire should and shouldn’t be dealt with, and the purpose of smoke alarms, sprinklers and fire doors.
The cost of this course is £90pp. To book, click here

This Fire Safety Awareness course provides participants with the confidence to assess and tackle fires (if appropriate) and realise the importance of their actions in the case of a fire.

Course elements:

  • Introduction
  • Legislation
  • Theory of combustion
  • Classifications of Fire
  • First Aid Fire Fighting Equipment
  • Practical Exercises and Demonstration

Upon completion of the course, candidates will be able to:

• Act safely, promptly and effectively with fires at work

• Understand the basic principles of fire and how they are classified

• Identify and correctly operate First Aid Fire Fighting Equipment including Fire Extinguishers

• Identify ways to reduce fire risks in the workplace

• Implement good housekeeping – maintain fire safety measures and action plans.

Course will cover

  • What is Child Abuse & Signs and Symptoms
  • Responding to the child
  • Reporting & recording procedures
  • Codes of conduct for staff
  • Why do we need to consider Child Protection
  • This course is free

To Book a place or find out more information contact

Yvonne Hendry 01955 609960, yvonne@cvg.org.uk

Funded by Caithness Beatrice Community Fund.

Half day course from HelCat Training.

If you require further information or wish to book a course
Telephone 01847 894560 or Email angela@helcattraining.com

Half day course from HelCat Training.

If you require further information or wish to book a course
Telephone 01847 894560 or Email angela@helcattraining.com