SHREC 2020 – the show must go on – coming to a screen near you!

The Coronavirus outbreak may have prevented the Highlands and Islands’ renewables sector from gathering physically. However, it can’t stop them from celebrating the Scottish Highlands and Islands Renewable Energy Conference (SHREC) on 30 April.

That’s why, for the first time ever, the SHREC team are going to deliver a digital SHREC experience.

The full SHREC has, of course, been postponed, with both the conference and the Highlands and Islands Renewable Energy Awards now being held on 24 September.

But before that, the original date will be marked by bringing the views of our expert renewables speakers to a screen near you.

What can you expect from virtual SHREC

To allow for as many people who are interested to view our virtual SHREC, we are planning to deliver a recording of the conference to your inbox on 30 April.

Originally, the 11th Annual SHREC was set to tackle the theme of climate change and take a wider look at the environmental and economic benefits that renewable energy brings to the Highlands, Islands & Moray.

That will still be a theme, but led by Paul Wheelhouse MSP, Minister for Energy, Connectivity and the Islands, our speakers from the original SHREC programme have agreed to deliver their insights which will no doubt reflect the sector’s, and the country’s, coronavirus experience.

Other contributors include our own David Bone, Head of Energy and Natural Resources at Harper Macleod and the only man to have spoken at every SHREC, Audrey MacIver, Director of Energy and Low Carbon at HIE, and George Baxter, Director of Development at Green Power International, one of the leading independent renewable energy developers in the UK.

The team are also delighted to say that Nicky Marr, who will once again host the Awards when they take place, will still host a panel discussion. Nicky is going to be joined in video conversation by a panel of people looking at renewables in the Highlands and Islands from a different perspective, including:

  • Terry Stebbings is the co-founder of Proterra Energy, which was set up in 2012 to design and install micro hydro schemes in Scotland;
  • Ryan Felber is the local Implementation Adviser at Resource Efficient Scotland, which helps organisations reduce costs by saving energy and water, reducing raw materials use and managing waste efficiently.

These local organisations incorporate renewable and energy efficiencies into what they do and they’ll share the reasons for doing so and their journey to where the currently find themselves.

Free and available to watch at your convenience

It promises to be a fascinating package which we are sure will be appreciated by virtual delegates. And, like the original SHREC conference, it will be free to access.

David Bone, Head of Energy and Natural Resources at Harper Macleod and the only man to have spoken at every SHREC said: “Taking a prompt decision to postpone the event was, of course, the only responsible course of action but it also gave us time to come up with an alternative way of delivering SHREC on the day it should have gone ahead on.

“We are delighted that along with our friends at Highland News and Media and all of our speakers, we will be able to provide the SHREC audience will some great content.”

Until then, stay safe and we look forward to seeing you again soon.

Don’t miss out

The Conference is free to view. If you want to find out how, please use this link.


Highlands and Islands Renewable Energy Awards

The second annual Highlands and Islands Renewable Energy Awards will celebrate the very best of the region’s green energy sector on the evening of SHREC on 24 September.

Last year, more than 200 guests representing a cross-section of the industry’s most influential figures in the north of Scotland, attended the glittering evening ceremony. The event showcases the achievements of the sector, while also recognising and rewarding the contribution that renewable energy makes to the Highland and Islands economy and the businesses at the heart of it.

The awards are supported by Harper Macleod, which founded SHREC in 2010, and Highland News & Media, publisher of the Executive and 18 newspaper titles across the Highlands and north-east Scotland.

You can find out more about the Awards, including how to enter here.

Webinar Hosted by Glasgow Chamber of Commerce

With the spread of Coronavirus growing on a daily basis, it is becoming increasingly clear how challenging the next few days, weeks and months are going to be for organisations of all sizes and sectors. Having developed strong relationships with partners and organisations in China, Glasgow Chamber of Commerce understands how important it is to learn from their experiences. We want to give our business network the opportunity to hear from professionals in Chongqing as they discuss some of the key challenges and barriers that their businesses have, and are currently still facing amidst this COVID-19 battle. It is an opportunity for Scottish firms to listen to advice, learn from experience and gain knowledge for how to progress as effectively as possible in this challenging environment.

Glasgow Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a Webinar in collaboration with Chongqing Investment Promotion Centre to discuss the current challenges facing businesses, as well as understand how we can learn from our fellow counterparts in China. There will be 25 minutes of pre-prepared questions, during which panellists will share their experiences of COVID19 and discuss how businesses can continue operating, learning and collaborating throughout the uncertainty of these future weeks and months (please submit any questions before Thursday 19th March 9am via this link). There will be a final 10 minutes of live question time at the end.

What you need to do:
All you need to do is download (which is free).

THEN click on this link:

Chongqing Investment Promotion Centre Panellists:

Mr LI WeiTao 李未韬 WT Design Studio (Creative Industries and SMEs)
Mr Donny Dong XianXu 董显旭, Regional Director of Merlin Group (Tourism)
Mr YUAN Zhendong 袁振东, Xiexin Group (Retail)
Mr John Fowler, Course Director at Coventry University and SWUPL, Project Lead Nanjing PSE (Education)

It’s a difficult time for all businesses right now, and it is becoming clear how challenging the next few days, weeks and possibly months are going to be for us all to run our businesses, keep our jobs and support our teams and families.

Dundee and Angus Chamber of Commerce International Team will be hosting a webinar on Microsoft Teams to discuss how they can help and support each other as a community and talk about the exporting challenges we face during this time.

After a short introduction from Dundee and Angus Chamber,  attendees will hear from guest speakers regarding how they are currently managing their own businesses during this difficult time. The event will then move into an open discussion where attendees are invited to share your stories on how COVID-19 has impacted your business, what support you need to maintain your operation, and what changes you’ve put in place.

With any crisis, it’s the power of people working together and supporting each other that will get us all through it. Dundee and Angus Chamber, like ourselves are keen to proactively work with members to share best practice and approaches to this rapidly evolving situation. Further Coronavirus business discussion with members will follow, keep an eye on our website for more details:

 Guest Speaker: Ann Johnson, Finance Director, Blaze Manufacturing Solutions

Anyone can join. You do not need Microsoft Teams to join the meeting

Register to attend this webinar here.

Thurso Community Development Trust are holding the next in their series of Tourism Workshops on Tuesday 17th March 2020 at Thurso Youth Club, 7pm

Speakers at the event will include:

  • Above and Beyond Tours
  • Inspired By Caithness
  • Wolfburn distillery

As well as conversation about key tourism trends including Slow Tourism, Food and Drink and Live like a Local.
Open to all, please come and join Thurso CDT to build a stronger tourism offering across Thurso and Caithness.


Thurso/Caithness Tourism Provider?
Local organisation engaged in visitor experiences?
Interested local?

Throughout March we will be running our very successful Tourism Workshops again, this time along a theme each time, the first is Activities, we’ll have guest speakers from:

  • Caithness Astronomy Group
  • North coast Watersports
  • Caithness and Sutherland Countryside Rangers

And, we’ll be talking key tourism trends, exchanging information and building up our partnership working.

Open to all

  • Meet lecturing teams
  • Get help with your application
  • Tour campuses
  • Find out more about new courses

2020-02-20 - North Highland College Event Image

Get Travel Trade Ready Workshop with VisitScotland

Is your business Travel Trade ready?
Do you want to reach new markets?

Come along to this workshop where the focus will be on demystifying the travel trade. You will also find out more about travel trade engagement and new routes to market – particularly international markets.

This workshop is relevant to all tourism business in Caithness and Sutherland and Venture North encourage you to come along and learn about this evolving sector that presents exciting opportunities for the area.

To find out more and to book, click here.

The 6th Flow Country Research Conference will explore peatland processes, resilience & dynamics under climate and land use change

With fast-changing landscapes under large-scale restoration and increased exposure to climate extremes, it is more important than ever to understand dynamics in peatlands.

What are the key eco-hydrological thresholds in blanket bog landscapes?

How do blanket bogs under restoration respond to droughts or wildfire events?

How can we measures those responses over such large scales?

What are the key ecological indicators of recovery?

How can we maximise resilience through restoration interventions?

These are some of the topics we hope to explore over the three days of the conference.

Click here to find out more and to book.

If you love golf and would like to make it your career, visit out open day in Dornoch on Saturday 11th April to find out how our courses can help you get there!

Our open day will give you the opportunity to:

  • Meet and chat with the golf lecturing team
  • Tour our state of the art facilities
  • Visit our newly built student accommodation (which offers a complimentary student membership at Royal Dornoch Golf Club)
  • Play a round on Royal Dornoch

If you are able to come along, we would also recommend that you look into the Royal Dornoch Junior Open on Sunday 12th April. More information can be found online on the Royal Dornoch website.

Please confirm your attendance to our open day by Friday 20th March 2020.

Click here to find out more.