Developing the Young Workforce are working in partnership with Skills Development Scotland to host a national online event for employers

This event will provide employers of all sizes with the latest information about apprenticeships, current funding support and practical advice on how to take on an apprentice – whether a new recruit or upskilling an existing employee.

Apprentice employers will share their experiences of recruiting and supporting apprentices and the range of ways apprenticeships add value to their companies.

  • Find out about the range of Foundation, Modern and Graduate Apprenticeships
  • Discover what support is available to employers to take on an apprentice, including current funding incentives
  • Understand how apprenticeships can improve your productivity and help you win new business
  • Hear about the significant contribution apprentices are making to businesses

The panel will consist of Apprentice employers who will speak at the event and will share their experiences of recruiting and supporting apprentices and the range of ways apprenticeships add value to their company. There will also be two apprentices sitting on the panel.

To attend this event, register now here.

Opportunities for businesses to help improve armoured vehicles.

The latest opportunities for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and new suppliers to engage with the defence industry have been announced by Dstl (Defence Science and Technology Laboratory).

Dstl is hosting 2 webinars in March to support research to improve the protection and mobility of armoured vehicles, now and into the future. The webinars are being organised through Dstl’s Searchlight initiative to increase defence collaboration with non-traditional defence suppliers.

The webinars are free to attend and businesses do not need to have worked previously with Dstl or in the defence sector. Attendance is welcomed from equipment and material manufacturers, engineers, innovators, researchers and academics and others who have a genuine interest and ability to work with Dstl.

Webinar 2: Future Ground Combat System research

Date: 18 March 2021, 11:30am to 12:30pm

The Future Ground Combat System will set out to replace current armoured vehicles such as Challenger 2, the Army’s Main Battle Tank, and produce battle-winning capability in 2040 to 2050. The presentation will review the potential scope of future combat vehicles and outline some of the key challenges where science and technology solutions will be required. The areas of interest include lethality, survivability, mobility, system integration and the use of organic remote systems.

The team will explain the variety of ways to work with Dstl including commercial routes and framework arrangements.

The events will be administered by Team Defence Information.

Register to attend here.

Opportunities for businesses to help improve armoured vehicles.

The latest opportunities for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and new suppliers to engage with the defence industry have been announced by Dstl (Defence Science and Technology Laboratory).

Dstl is hosting 2 webinars in March to support research to improve the protection and mobility of armoured vehicles, now and into the future. The webinars are being organised through Dstl’s Searchlight initiative to increase defence collaboration with non-traditional defence suppliers.

The webinars are free to attend and businesses do not need to have worked previously with Dstl or in the defence sector. Attendance is welcomed from equipment and material manufacturers, engineers, innovators, researchers and academics and others who have a genuine interest and ability to work with Dstl.

Webinar 1: Modular Integrated Protection Systems (MIPS)

Date: 16 March 2021, 1:30 to 2:30pm

Dstl is furthering research to improve the protection and survivability of Armoured Fighting Vehicles from attack against a wide range of current and future threats, such as Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPGs) and Anti-Tank Guided Weapons (ATGWs) therefore helping to protect the lives of the UK Armed Forces.

Dstl conducted a proof of concept Technical Demonstrator Programme (Icarus TDP) between 2017 and 2021.

The TDP developed a UK sovereign Active Protection Modular Integrated Protection System (MIPS) Electronic Architecture (EA), incorporating Modular Open System Architecture design principles. The MIPS EA provides a common infrastructure that will enable ‘best of breed’ technologies to be developed or selected, and integrated.

Further research and development is now required to mature key elements of the MIPS concept.

Specialised expertise is required in certain areas such as weapon control, sensor data fusion and kinematic estimation but there is also a requirement for knowledge in safety critical software, deterministic data processing, system level modelling/simulation and high integrity model based system-engineering techniques.

The Dstl requirement is expected to be around £1 million in value over 2 years, subject to contract. Concepts generated may be taken forward for further development within a potential multi-million pound project.

Register to attend here.

An event from Thurso Community Development Trust;

Thurso Community Development Trust are holding a Member’s Meeting via  Zoom on Thursday 18th February at 7pm.

If you’re a member of the Trust please sign up via this link and join us to hear about the future plans we would like to put in place and learn how we can do that by forming a Community Benefit Society. We’ll be telling you all about that and what it means with an opportunity for you to vote on our future direction and details on how you can get involved.
We really hope you can spare an hour of your time and join us to chat our favourite subject – making Thurso a better place to live, work and visit for all.

If you are not yet a member you can sign up here. Its free of charge, open as a Full Member to those living in Thurso and Associate to those out with or businesses and organisations.

Please note only Full Members of the Trust are entitled to vote on proposals but you are all more than welcome to attend the meeting. A reminder of the link to book is here. 

Join the HIE webinar for Highland and Islands businesses where you will hear more about how to be part of the GlobalScot community and GlobalScot.

The GlobalScot Network has over 900 members who are all eager to help Scottish businesses via our GlobalScot Community Engagement Platform. Once on the platform you will become part of a diverse community with a shared passion for Scotland: you will have the ability to search for profiles of GlobalScots in the network who are top leaders in their field. GlobalScots can offer one-to-one support to help your business grow, vital contacts and become mentors. Join our webinar where you will hear more about how to be part of the GlobalScot community and GlobalScot, Maeve Gillies will tell us the story of growing her successful jewellery company in the US and worldwide using designs inspired by the Scottish landscape and how she has supported Scottish businesses from Shetland to the Borders in her role as a GlobalScot.

Register to take part using this link.

In this webinar, Catriona Liddle from Queen Margaret University’s Scottish Centre for Food Development & Innovation, and Joanne Burns, Reformulation for Health Manager at the Food and Drink Federation Scotland (FDFS), will lead a discussion on how food and drink businesses in the Highlands and Islands can reformulate and make their products and recipes healthier.

The discussion will cover topics such as the public health challenge of improving dietary health, and the Scottish Government’s Reformulation for Health Programme, through to consumer insights and the response to market and customer demands for healthier products. We’ll also hear from businesses seeking to innovate and reformulate their products and ingredients.

There will be an opportunity for discussion with the speaker panel, which also includes David Gass from the Highland Food and Drink Innovation Network, and Natalie Dillon, Development Manager Food and Drink at HIE.

Catriona Liddle, from the Scottish Centre for Food Development & Innovation, runs a variety of new product development and reformulation for health projects with the Scottish food and drink sector.

Joanne Burns, FDFS Reformulation for Health Manager, works across Scotland to deliver reformulation solutions for the sector, working closely with trade bodies and Regional Food Groups.

Please register online by 5pm, Monday 22 February to secure your webinar spot.
Register to attend now using this link

Did you know that you can save money through your Chamber membership?

Your membership includes access to Quest Cover Services, with the opportunity to speak to experienced professionals in H&S, HR, Legal and Tax and the ability to download up to 400 free employment documents.

Join the Chamber team and a representative from Quest Cover on 8 February 2021 at 10am to find out more about the various services provided as part of your membership.

This informative event will cover:

  • Access to advice lines
  • Website access
  • Insurance cover

To join us for this event, please email the Chamber team on to reserve a place.

Maximise the opportunities for your business and ensure you’re fully prepared and comfortable in this new virtual international environment.

Virtual meetings, missions and conferences are now replacing face-to-face events for international businesses – and look set to stay.

This workshop will cover all aspects including pre-research, polishing your pitch, finding new ways of presenting/pitching digitally and will help you consider the different international cultures in the digital world. You will also have the opportunity to test your online pitching and presenting in a follow up one-to-one online role play session with the trainer. This will help you to put what you’ve learned into practice, leaving you ready to make the most of virtual international opportunities for your business.

Click here to find out more and register.

The COVID 19 crisis is the ultimate test of management and leadership – a sudden dramatic, life threatening upheaval, where the outcomes are uncertain.

In this extraordinarily difficult time, the value of great management and leadership is being demonstrated every day – whether it’s senior leaders in government or managers on the frontline of healthcare and retail.

The VLA is using the might of it’s Chartered Management Institute accreditation and ten years of management development experience to invite managers and leaders to participate in a learning conversation.

Their webinar for Managing the New Normal is a free introductory webinar introducing their new innovative way of developing managers and leaders in the covid crisis. Participants will be provided with a thought provoking exercise prior to the webinar. The aim is to help them to reflect on how they or their organisation have managed the crisis.

During the webinar we will discuss five key themes that the crisis has presented us: flexible working, crisis management, mental health & wellbeing, the new employment landscape and the new good governance. Participants will be encouraged to discuss their experience around each of the themes. They will then be presented with information and support to guide them through each of the covid challenges.

After the webinar participants will be provided with access to our online learning system with a host of resources, information, tools and templates to support them in these key areas.

The aim of the webinar is to introduce you to our VLA management tutors, resources, tools and templates. We very much hope you can attend and join us in a learning conversation.

Register to attend now using this link.