International trade in offshore wind plays a significant and growing role in the development of the Scottish offshore wind clusters and Scotland’s supply chain companies. The Scottish clusters are working closely with Scottish Development International to introduce members into these markets in Europe, the US and Asia. Cluster to cluster collaboration activity is already underway in Germany, France and Norway and early stage discussions have started with clusters in Poland and Ireland.

Following the up and coming publication of the ‘High Potential International Offshore Wind Markets to 2030’ guide, SOWEC, in association with Scottish Development International, UK Export Finance, DeepWind and Forth & Tay Offshore, is delighted to be hosting an interactive webinar session exploring the offshore wind outlook to 2030 and highlighting some of the support mechanisms in place to help Scottish companies flourish on the global stage within this exciting sector.


14.00- Introduction to webinar and agenda – Gillian Morrison and Jeya Calder, HIE
14.05 – Overview of current SOWEC offshore wind activities – Stephen Thompson, SOWEC and GEG
14.10 – SOWEC High Potential Offshore Wind Markets to 2030: positioning for Scottish success – Alan Duncan, Scotia Supply Chain
14.45 – Overview of international finance support – Alistair McMillan, UK Export Finance
15.00 – International in-country activity and support – David Rennie, Scottish Development International
15.10 – Q&A session –  Paul O’Brien representing DeepWind & Forth and Tay Offshore
15.30 –Webinar close

Please register for the webinar using this link

This webinar offers an overview of the support available to assist members to kick start or grow their international market opportunities and DeepWind and Forth & Tay Offshore would like to encourage as many members as possible to take part.

Tourism businesses across Scotland are invited to tune in and hear about consumer insights, marketing Scotland and industry support.

Join VisitScotland on 13 April, ahead of the date set out by the Scottish Government, for the tourism sector to reopen.

You’ll hear from VisitScotland’s Senior Insight Manager, Chris Greenwood, who will explore up-to-date insights on how COVID19 is impacting tourism businesses, the events industry and what our consumers are looking for in a holiday in Scotland.

The Director of Marketing & Digital, Vicki Miller, will update industry on VisitScotland’s marketing strategy and approach going forward, covering our domestic and international marketing plans.

We’ll also hear from Riddell Graham, Director of Industry and Development, who will discuss how VisitScotland are supporting the industry and working with the Scottish Government on guidelines, advice and funding to help the industry restart as well as gathering data to ensure we’re in the best position to help rebuild Scottish tourism.

VisitScotland teamed up once again with Bill McFarlan, Executive Chairman at Pink Elephant Communications, to help us host and deliver this hour long session, with the chance for you to ask questions from each of our panel members.

It will be recorded and shared shortly after the webinar has finished.

VisitScotland look forward to seeing you online. Register to attend using this link. 


Launching 20 March Until 4 April 2021

The Festival is dedicated to presenting a selection of new films pivoting around the medium of glass. The festival showcases a cross section of international diverse and engaging series of short films curated and directed by female identified and non-binary filmmakers using glass as the predominant feature.

GMTF is a microcosm to explore the human relationship with glass and film, exploring dynamics with the physical and environmental context, together with the human and social context.

The amalgamation of material and ephemeral, glass and video, are at the heart of the film festival. Exploring the stories of how art is made, how artists survive, how they think and work and what makes creativity our most important skill.

The GMTF Festival launches on 20 March 2021 and continues until 4 April 2021. Supported by British Council Scotland and Creative Scotland alongside project partners Toyama Institute of Glass Art, Toyama Glass Art Museum and Museum of Arts and Design, New York.

Both GMTF 2021 and GMTF 2020 Films will be screened during the festival. All the screenings are free to view by visiting website.

Please contact for further information.

Marine Economy Week is a new virtual event hosted by Harper Macleod. Running from 22 – 26 March, it will examine all aspects of Scotland’s diverse maritime sector.

The marine economy is a fundamental part of Scotland’s Natural Capital, as well as having the ability to play a large role in the efforts to tackle climate change. Until recently, the scale of the sector has been overlooked given the diversity of its enterprises and stakeholders. However, it contributes hugely to both local and national economies and has phenomenal growth potential in Scotland.

Marine Economy Week has been created to help ensure that, at the highest levels of Scottish policy and decision making, marine is not allowed to be ‘the one that got away’.

Get involved in daily roundtable sessions

Over five days, Harper Macleod’s specialists will be joined by industry experts to examine an array of crucial issues facing all parts of the sector.

You can register for as many live roundtable sessions as you like. See the full list on the events page.

Day five event:

Marine & Offshore Renewables

Offshore wind and marine energy carry huge potential in the transition to a greener economy. The final session of the week will invovle a review of the current renewables outlook and future projections for Scotland and the rest of the UK – in the company of four members of our award-winning Energy & Natural Resources team. They’ll be joined by Jason Schofield, Managing DIrector of Green Marine UK, a leading supplier to the marine renewables industry.

Topics will include consideration of the different planning regimes for onshore and offshore renewables projects; the comparative legal regimes for restoration; development of the Scotwind offshore wind programme and key points on the options and leases.


By registering for this event you are agreeing to Harper Macleod’s Privacy Policy at: [], which includes how you can object to any processing and set your preferences with regard to our communications.

Please note this webinar may be recorded.

Register to attend, here. 

Marine Economy Week is a new virtual event hosted by Harper Macleod. Running from 22 – 26 March, it will examine all aspects of Scotland’s diverse maritime sector.

The marine economy is a fundamental part of Scotland’s Natural Capital, as well as having the ability to play a large role in the efforts to tackle climate change. Until recently, the scale of the sector has been overlooked given the diversity of its enterprises and stakeholders. However, it contributes hugely to both local and national economies and has phenomenal growth potential in Scotland.

Marine Economy Week has been created to help ensure that, at the highest levels of Scottish policy and decision making, marine is not allowed to be ‘the one that got away’.

Get involved in daily roundtable sessions

Over five days, Harper Macleod’s specialists will be joined by industry experts to examine an array of crucial issues facing all parts of the sector.

You can register for as many live roundtable sessions as you like. See the full list on the events page.

Day four event:

Vessels, Finance & Funding

On Thursday we will focus on vessels, finance and funding. Our Banking & Finance Partners, Tony Cameron and John Pringle have handled many of these transactions and the session with include an overview of the vessel sale and purchase market as well as a focus on the key issues in the current funding market including flag/location of vessels; COVID practicalities; LIBOR transition; and being funding ready. We’ll also expand on that funder readiness theme in the context of the lifecycle of a vessel including build contracts; charters; flag and registration; reflagging and re-registration; and sale.

Our second international speaker, Mike Besjin of Dutch shipyards group Damen, will lend a European perspective to the discussions.


By registering for this event you are agreeing to Harper Macleod’s Privacy Policy at: [], which includes how you can object to any processing and set your preferences with regard to our communications.

Please note this webinar may be recorded.

Register to attend here. 

Marine Economy Week is a new virtual event hosted by Harper Macleod. Running from 22 – 26 March, it will examine all aspects of Scotland’s diverse maritime sector.

The marine economy is a fundamental part of Scotland’s Natural Capital, as well as having the ability to play a large role in the efforts to tackle climate change. Until recently, the scale of the sector has been overlooked given the diversity of its enterprises and stakeholders. However, it contributes hugely to both local and national economies and has phenomenal growth potential in Scotland.

Marine Economy Week has been created to help ensure that, at the highest levels of Scottish policy and decision making, marine is not allowed to be ‘the one that got away’.

Get involved in daily roundtable sessions

Over five days, Harper Macleod’s specialists will be joined by industry experts to examine an array of crucial issues facing all parts of the sector.

You can register for as many live roundtable sessions as you like. See the full list on the events page.

Day three event:

Trading post-Brexit & a view from Norway

As Scotland and the rest of the UK adjust to trading in a post Brexit world, this session will look at the EU-UK Trade & Co-operation Agreement and in particular its Food & Drink sector implications including Rules of Origin and export requirements for fish and seafood. As a case study, we will consider what impact there may be on trading with one of our closest neighbours, Norway.

To gain insight from across the North Sea, we welcome our first international speaker, Trond Hatland, who heads up the Bergen office of Norwegian law firm Thommessen AS and who is a specialist advising that country’s fishery and aquaculture sector. Wider implications for the UK’s Marine Economy will also be considered when we look at post-Brexit procurement and State aid/public subsidies; trade including agency and distribution agreements and amendments required to contracts; and the replacement of EU funding.


By registering for this event you are agreeing to Harper Macleod’s Privacy Policy at: [], which includes how you can object to any processing and set your preferences with regard to our communications.

Please note this webinar may be recorded.

Register to attend here.

Marine Economy Week is a new virtual event hosted by Harper Macleod. Running from 22 – 26 March, it will examine all aspects of Scotland’s diverse maritime sector.

The marine economy is a fundamental part of Scotland’s Natural Capital, as well as having the ability to play a large role in the efforts to tackle climate change. Until recently, the scale of the sector has been overlooked given the diversity of its enterprises and stakeholders. However, it contributes hugely to both local and national economies and has phenomenal growth potential in Scotland.

Marine Economy Week has been created to help ensure that, at the highest levels of Scottish policy and decision making, marine is not allowed to be ‘the one that got away’.

Get involved in daily roundtable sessions

Over five days, Harper Macleod’s specialists will be joined by industry experts to examine an array of crucial issues facing all parts of the sector.

You can register for as many live roundtable sessions as you like. See the full list on the events page.

Day two event:

Seaweed, Salmon and Submarines – Innovation and Opportunities in the Marine Economy

The marine economy is a sector underpinned by innovation. From aquaculture vaccines, through exploitation of bio products drawn from the sea, to engineering and mechanical advances.

Innovation develops against a background of industry need, influenced by the changes in national and international economies. Trends in innovation can be stimulated by commercial or regulatory factors, and can evidence themselves in investment decisions and IP protection strategies.

Join our own Jamie Watt and Paula Skinner, partners at Harper Macleod, who specialise in on advising investment, commercial and regulatory issues in the marine economy, and Paul Chapman, patent attorney at Marks and Clerk, in a discussion surrounding what each of them are seeing as regards innovation and opportunities in the marine economy.


By registering for this event you are agreeing to Harper Macleod’s Privacy Policy at: [], which includes how you can object to any processing and set your preferences with regard to our communications.

Please note this webinar may be recorded.

Register to attend here. 

Marine Economy Week is a new virtual event hosted by Harper Macleod. Running from 22 – 26 March, it will examine all aspects of Scotland’s diverse maritime sector.

The marine economy is a fundamental part of Scotland’s Natural Capital, as well as having the ability to play a large role in the efforts to tackle climate change. Until recently, the scale of the sector has been overlooked given the diversity of its enterprises and stakeholders. However, it contributes hugely to both local and national economies and has phenomenal growth potential in Scotland.

Marine Economy Week has been created to help ensure that, at the highest levels of Scottish policy and decision making, marine is not allowed to be ‘the one that got away’.

Get involved in daily roundtable sessions

Over five days, Harper Macleod’s specialists will be joined by industry experts to examine an array of crucial issues facing all parts of the sector.

You can register for as many live roundtable sessions as you like. See the full list on the events page.

Marine Economy Week 2021 – Day 1

Marine Economy – Scotland’s Opportunity

Harper Macleod’s Marine Economy Week launches with a session providing a broad overview of the marine economy sector and its importance to Scotland.

Chris Kerr heads up the Marine Economy team at Harper Macleod, will be joined by Morven Cameron of HIE, who led that organisation’s involvement in the influential MAXiMAR study which highlighted the economic potential of the marine economy for the region. Here we’ll recognise the scale of the marine economy globally, in Scotland and in the Highlands, Islands and Moray (home to more than 60% of the UK coastline) and also its potential growth. With marine resources which already feed into many sectors, including food & drink, energy, tourism and more, we will also discuss the role of the multiple stakeholders involved in the sector.

Speakers –
Chris Kerr (Harper Macleod)
Morven Cameron (HIE)

By registering for this event you are agreeing to Harper Macleod’s Privacy Policy at: [], which includes how you can object to any processing and set your preferences with regard to our communications.

Please note this webinar may be recorded.

On Thursday 11 March, the Royal Bank of Scotland plc and Saffery Champness are hosting a webinar which will focus on resilience and
recovery in the food and drink sector.

The session, which will be held on Zoom, will be hosted by STV News Reporter Nicola McAlley, who will be joined by three high-profile industry speakers:

The event will culminate in a Q&A session with the speakers – questions may be submitted at any point during the session via the
Q&A function.
We do hope you’ll be able to join us. Please click here to register.

If you have any queries, please contact Margaret Fawkes: E: or T: 01463 246314.

PLEASE NOTE – As this is a co-hosted event, your name/organisation name will be shared with both co-hosts for the administration of this event only.