At this time especially, it is beneficial to understand what is available through your Chamber membership. Quest provide access to: Essential HR Services, Trusted H&S Support, Legal and Tax Services, each designed to ensure compliance and mitigate risk for small and medium sized businesses.

As a member of the Caithness Chamber of Commerce, you have unlimited access to:

  • 4 Services (HR, H&S, Tax and Legal)
  • 5 Advice lines
  • 3 Document libraries
  • 100’s downloadable templates documents
  • Legal expenses insurance
  • Free 1to1 meetings

All included in your membership fee!

You may be new to Quest or need a refresher, this informative session will provide you with information on all services. We are delighted to welcome Peter Sykes, Quest Business Support Manager to give this presentation.

Book online here or email to reserve your space

In a crowded marketplace – and in today’s rapidly changing world – it’s more important than ever that your business stands out. Your story is the key to this.

Join Caithness Chamber of Commerce for this exclusive event with Kate Hooper and Nicky Marr. A lively, interactive day designed to give you the tools and techniques to tell your business story with confidence.


Kate and Nicky will take business owners and team leaders through four clear steps to tell their business story with confidence to reach target audiences and markets…and boost their business!


  • Connecting with your audiences: Develop a fuller understanding of your audiences, who they are, who they could be and why your business purpose matters.
  • Getting your story straight: Craft a structure for telling your business story and defining your key message.
  • Tell your story with confidence: Presentation techniques to tell your business story with style.
  • Your business story pitch: Maximising on everything learned to curate and execute your business pitch.

Let us take care of everything else!

The event will take place in the award-winning Mackays Hotel, Wick. Catering will be provided throughout the day with lunch, refreshments and the opportunity for networking and group discussion.

The Caithness Chamber team will be on hand to support throughout the day and help you take then next steps towards your future business ambitions and opportunities.

Bookings via Eventbrite

Over the past few months, artificial intelligence has been hitting the headlines with the UK Government hosting the first major global summit on AI safety, calls for regulation of the sector and schools having to deal with the impact of ChatGPT and other generative AI on learning and assessment. There are also fears that it will significantly reduce the need for people in certain roles, having negative effects on employment.

But behind the flurry of article, posts and tweets, there are a host of tools that can help busy businesses work smarter with their marketing and communications. This event will discuss some easy ways to incorporate AI into your approach to promoting your business. Like any technology, AI has its pros and cons and it will also examine some of the ethical considerations that are driving concerns.

Join Caithness Chamber of Commerce for a business breakfast to supercharge your understanding of the opportunities and impacts of AI on your business. The session will be led by Katrine Pearson who leads the team at award winning creative communications consultancy 3×1 Group.

Bookings via Eventbrite – Free for Members

For further information, please contact Fiona Levack,

The Palace of Westminster needs essential restoration. These important works will create contracts, jobs and opportunities around the country and wherever possible, sourcing materials from the whole of the UK.

The Programme will create a variety of business and employment opportunities, on and off-site, throughout the project lifecycle including in specialist trades and conservation roles, programme management, corporate services, project design and engineering.

Scottish Chambers of Commerce are inviting businesses and training providers in Scotland who will be interested in supplying expertise to get in touch. (major construction and restoration, glaziers, estate management, complex electrical and plumbing, engineers, traditional carpentry and joinery, stone masonry or blacksmithing.)

Two exclusive exploratory sessions will be taking place in Scotland. The first round table event will take place in Inverness on 25th July 2023 from 10am-12pm at Inverness Town House.  

For further information or to join the round table please contact

Event: Craft the Ultimate 60 Second Pitch

Date: Wednesday, 25th October · 10 – 11am GMT

Location: Online, Register Here

Keep up with the growing pace of business in 2023 by joining Caithness Chamber of Commerce and Màiri Macdonald, Local Enterprise Manager, Royal Bank of Scotland in this online session.

If you haven’t got a clear pitch, you could be missing out on opportunities to grow your business.

Caithness Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Royal Bank of Scotland are presenting a series of online and in-person business builder events designed to support and challenge entrepreneurs to develop the right foundations for their business.

Màiri Macdonald, Local Enterprise Manager, Royal Bank of Scotland will host these tailored events design to meet specific business needs, offering attendees an opportunity to upskill in the company of other like-minded business owners, share experiences, and work through individual and group exercises to implement the learning into their own business.

These 60-minute events will take place on monthly basis and attendees can select which courses are best suited to their needs. The sessions are free to attend for all Caithness Chamber of Commerce and Business Support Members.

Register Online Here or for more information, get in touch with Fiona at:

Event: Building a Resilient Business Model

Date: Wednesday, 23rd August · 10 – 11am GMT

Location: Online, Register Here

Keep up with the growing pace of business in 2023 by joining Caithness Chamber of Commerce and Màiri Macdonald, Local Enterprise Manager, Royal Bank of Scotland in this online session.

In this session we will examine the 9 key areas of a business model and talk through the best practices for your business.

Caithness Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Royal Bank of Scotland are presenting a series of online and in-person business builder events designed to support and challenge entrepreneurs to develop the right foundations for their business.

Màiri Macdonald, Local Enterprise Manager, Royal Bank of Scotland will host these tailored events design to meet specific business needs, offering attendees an opportunity to upskill in the company of other like-minded business owners, share experiences, and work through individual and group exercises to implement the learning into their own business.

These 60-minute events will take place on monthly basis and attendees can select which courses are best suited to their needs. The sessions are free to attend for all Caithness Chamber of Commerce and Business Support Members.

Register Online Here or for more information, get in touch with Fiona at:

The Scottish Chambers Network and Skills Development Scotland are collaborating to deliver 5 regional Economy, People & Skills Webinars for members throughout June 2023.

Hosted by the Scottish Chambers, each one-hour Webinar will include a presentation from Scotland’s national skills agency, Skills Development Scotland, providing the latest national and local labour market insights and analysis followed by open forum discussion.

Our most recent Scottish Chambers Quarterly Economic Indicator highlights how access to people and skills in a tight labour market is continuing to constrain growth and productivity. The webinars will provide your business with the most up-to-date insights and give you an opportunity to discuss local challenges and tactics to alleviating these challenges with your Scottish Chamber Network colleagues.

Sign up to attend the Highlands & Islands session (Outer Hebrides, Inverness, Caithness, Mid Argyll, Lochaber, Moray) for free today: Register Online HERE 

Date: Tuesday 13th June 2023

Time: 10am- 11am


Caithness Chamber of Commerce is delighted to announce its flagship Annual Dinner event will take place on 15th September 2023.

This prestigious event has long been one of the most popular in the local business calendar, with over 200 of the area’s most influential business people attending every year.

This year’s Annual Dinner is set to take place on Friday 15th September 2023 at the Norseman Hotel, Wick.

We anticipate an extremely high demand for these tickets, so act fast if you would like to reserve a place. Bookings can be made by contacting Fiona Levack on and will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis. Tickets for the event are priced at £80 + VAT per person or £800 + VAT for a table of 10.

Once your booking has been confirmed, an invoice will be issued with full payment required to guarantee your place.

If you are interested in attending, or for further information, please contact me on

This event is now fully booked. If you are interested in attending we are operating a waitlist in case of any cancellations. If you would like to be added to the waitlist please contact

The announcement in January that Opportunity Cromarty Firth had been awarded Green Freeport status was rightly welcomed as a massive boost for the Highlands.

At this first business engagement event since the announcement, consortium members will discuss the aims and aspiration of the Inverness and Cromarty First Green Freeport, as well as the potential benefits and next steps.

Inverness Chamber of Commerce, sponsored by Ledingham Chalmers solicitors have organised a Business Breakfast  to take place on Wednesday 22 March, Drumossie Hotel, Inverness. This event is open to all businesses and is free to attend.  If you wish to attend, please register HERE through the Inverness Chamber of Commerce website.

Bookings for this event will close at 1.00pm Friday 17th March.