Join the Developing the Young Workforce team at Caithness’ biggest and best jobs, careers, training and recruitment event. This event is free to attend.

Meet real employers and hear about their industries and any vacancies they currently have.

The event offers the opportunity to learn more about the opportunities available in the area and allows attendees to ask questions to find out how to achieve the career they’d like.

Come along for information on jobs and how to get them, apprenticeships and study opportunities and have the opportunity to make a first impression on potential employers.

This event is open to people of all ages.

For our first Breakfast Club event of 2020, sponsored by the Environmental Research Institute (ERI), the Chamber would like to invite you to join us at the ERI on Castle Street in Thurso on 26 February from 08:00.

Come along for cup of coffee, a bite to eat, and a chance to find out more about the work done by the ERI and the opportunities for collaboration between businesses and higher education.

The University of the Highlands & Islands (UHI) is keen to develop effective operational links between businesses and higher education / research centres in the region. As part of this event, Chamber members will get the chance to find out about:

  • How UHI is already working successfully with businesses across the Highlands & Islands in Knowledge Exchange
  • The opportunities for businesses locally to work with and exchange knowledge with the Environmental Research Institute
  • The services and expertise the ERI can offer to businesses in the North Highlands
  • Funding opportunities to support partnerships and collaboration between academia and businesses

Attendees will also have the opportunity to take a short guided tour of the ERI’s facilities in Thurso.

To book your free place, simply email or call us on 01847 890076.

The Thirteenth Annual General Meeting of Caithness Chamber of Commerce will be held on 1 October 2020 via a Zoom call, starting at 16:30.

Please note that registration is required to access the Zoom invitation for this meeting.

An agenda and nomination form for directors can be downloaded by clicking here. Please note that all nominations should be submitted to the Chief Executive at Caithness Chamber of Commerce to arrive no later than Monday 7 September.

Following the formal business of the AGM will be a networking session, giving an opportunity for members to speak to the Chamber about any business issues and concerns, policy and lobbying asks and suggestions for future activity.

If you would like to attend the AGM, please let us know by contacting the Chamber team on or 01847 890076. Once you have registered, we will send you a copy of the invitation link for the Zoom meeting.

**Unfortunately this event has been cancelled**


Are your workforce’s digital skills up to scratch? Are you ready to face a future where digital skills will be crucial to your success? Do you know what impacts new developments in areas like Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things and cloud computing will have on your industry?

Ultimately, these and other emerging technologies and skillsets will impact your business, and it’s important that you start preparing now to ensure you are ready for what the future holds.

Join us on 13 November from 08:00 at the Pentland Hotel in Thurso to hear from CodeClan and the Scottish Manufacturing Advisory Service on how you can prepare your workforce and your business for the opportunities and challenges the future will bring.

To book your FREE place, just email or call 01847 890076. An agenda can be downloaded here.

Melinda Matthews-Clarkson from CodeClan – Scotland’s only SQA accredited digital skills academy – will talk attendees through the growing need for digital skills in the workforce, how these can help improve productivity, and how engaging with CodeClan can help employers prepare.

John Johnston from the Scottish Manufacturing Advisory Service will discuss the business benefits of Industry 4.0 and provide attendees with self-assessments to help them prepare for the changes this will bring.

All you have to do to book your place is contact us today on or 01847 890076.

The Twelfth Annual General Meeting of Caithness Chamber of Commerce will be held on 3 October 2019 at Mackays Hotel, Wick, starting at 17:30.

An agenda and nomination form for directors can be downloaded by clicking here. Please note that all nominations should be submitted to the Chief Executive at Caithness Chamber of Commerce by Friday 6 September 2019.

The AGM will be followed by the Developing the Young Workforce North Highland Regional Awards, along with a buffet and entertainment.

If you would like to attend the AGM, please let us know by contacting the Chamber team on or 01847 890076.