Right now, many businesses are looking to save energy, cut bills and reduce their carbon footprint. Lighting is a great place for them to start. For most businesses in Scotland, lighting makes up a significant chunk of energy costs. The good news is that by upgrading to modern lighting, such as LEDs, they can make big savings.  The free and impartial advice that Business Energy Scotland provides is designed to help small and medium sized enterprises quickly make the switch.

What’s more, the Scottish Government’s SME Loan Scheme is currently offering eligible SMEs, including charities, interest free loans with cashback grants of up to £20,000 to upgrade to energy efficient lighting.

The new lighting fast track assessment provides free and impartial advice so businesses can take advantage of government funding and quickly make the switch to energy efficient lighting.

The Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) is pleased to launch a new Themed Competition, Human Augmentation. With funding provided by the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) Human Augmentation Science and Technology (S&T) project, this competition aims to develop novel, Generation-After-Next (GAN) prototype HA technologies which can be harnessed safely and ethically and can help mitigate human performance as the limiting factor in a UK Defence environment.

In Short:
• Up to £2 million is available for this competition, and DASA expects to fund 5 to 10 proposals.
• Submission deadline: midday on Tuesday 13 June 2023

This Themed Competition has 3 use cases:
• Use Case 1: Biofeedback Systems
Systems that measure user state, interpret the resulting data and deliver an effect based on the data.

• Use Case 2: The Warfighter Ensemble
Equipment that is worn closely on the body and is designed to optimise and enhance biological functions.

• Use Case 3: Sensory Enhancements
Enhancing the human senses beyond typical biological capability.

Do you have an innovation that may help accelerate the development of human augmentation technologies for defence and military effect delivery?

Learn more and submit a proposal here

This month, we’re thrilled to welcome to our membership Braeside Retreats, Midgey Bites, esave Energy Consultants, Moray Firth Radio – Bauer Media we look forward to working with them all.

To discuss membership, please reach out to our Business Development manager, Fiona Levack. You can contact Fiona by email: fiona@caithnesschamber.com. You can read about membership on the website using this link.

If you’re already a member but would like a reminder of how to get the most from your membership, Fiona will gladly go over that with you too.

We have launched a new competition – Phase 3 of Intelligent ship. We have £1.7m to develop approaches to integrate collaborative AI systems with human operators and decision-makers to form complex human-autonomy teams (HATs). We aim to fund a single consortium project worth £1.7m. The competition closes at midday on 06 June and we have two sessions for one-to-one conversations with the technical team: 18 and 25 April. The full competition document which includes the Eventbrite links for the one-to-one sessions is here


If you have any questions about Intelligent ship Phase 3, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Many kind regards,

DASA Scotland

Deb (djcarr@dasa.mod.gov.uk) – Innovation Partner
Linda (lgalloway@dasa.mod.gov.uk) – Innovation Partner
Anis (amourad@dasa.mod.gov.uk) – Access to Mentoring and Finance Partner

Don’t forget to follow the new DASA Scotland LinkedIn page

We have two new DASA competitions to tell you about.

1. Using AI to Scope out the Grey Zone – closes midday 06 June

This competition is seeking novel ideas that explore Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR). There are three challenge areas

  1. Indicators and warnings – what is happening in the information environment?
  2. Intent and attribution – who is doing it and why?
  3. Courses of action – what can we do about it? (what sort of response options can we use technology to propose in the information environment)

Ideas should be for projects that are 6-months in length and finish at <TRL6. There is £800k of funding available and we expect to fund several projects of up to £300k.

We have a dial-in session on 25 April. Please register here


The full competition document is here



2. Generation-after-next communications and networks – Phase 1 closes midday 31 May

This competition is quite different in format; it will have 4 phases (£6m in total) and these consist of two sets (A and B) of ‘discovery’ and ‘development’. Phase 1 (discovery A) has £1m of funding available and we expect to fund 8-10 projects. These projects will finish at TRL3/4 after a maximum of 6-months.

Phase 1 seeks proposals for innovative technologies for communications, networking and information services, with an emphasis on challenges specific to defence. There are nine challenges described in the full competition document which is here


We are having a dial-in session on 18 April, please book your place here



If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

DASA Scotland

Deb (djcarr@dasa.mod.gov.uk) Innovation Partner
Linda (lgalloway@dasa.mod.gov.uk) Innovation Partner
Anis (amourad@dasa.mod.gov.uk) Access to Mentoring and Finance Partner

Responding to the announcement that Humza Yousaf MSP has successfully become the new SNP leader and First Minister, Dr Liz Cameron CBE, Chief Executive, Scottish Chambers of Commerce, said:

“We congratulate Humza Yousaf on his successful campaign to become the new First Minister. We look forward to working closely with him to restore business confidence and investment, enabling the Scottish economy to drive forward.

“As we outlined to all the leadership candidates in our open letter last week, there are serious challenges in every sector across the economy. The cost of doing business, labour shortages, lagging infrastructure, are all drags on growth and investment. We urge Humza Yousaf to take a pro-business approach with a new cabinet, to help build a build a globally competitive economy and to truly back Scottish business.”

We have just launched a new £1m Themed Competition for dstl – Analysing and understanding audiences. This competition closes at midday 30 May. The full competition document is here


We have 15-minute dial-in sessions so that you can talk with the technical team about your ideas on 30 March and 04 April. These slots will fill soon so if you are interested register as soon as possible via the Eventbrite links in the competition document. This competition is focused on finding novel and innovative ideas at low levels of maturity (TRL1-4).

Successful projects will be a maximum of 6-months in length and will be funded to a maximum of £100k.

An audience-centric approach is key to Defence’s orchestration of military activities and understanding audiences forms a major part of this. Audiences can include individuals and groups, those who may be friendly, impartial or adversarial and this could be in peacetime or conflict. Audience analysis could be used to support Defence planning by supporting the identification of potential audiences of interest, providing a detailed understanding of audiences that are known to be of interest, and/or providing insights into factors that affect the understanding of specific audiences (e.g. cultural factors or unique audiences).

At this stage of the competition, we are limiting the scope to concepts, theoretical development, advancement and proof of concept research. This can include:

  1. approaches that are used outside of Defence and have the potential for application in a Defence context; and
  2. innovative ideas that apply to analysing and understanding audiences in general (and in turn could be applicable in a Defence context).

Areas of particular interest include:

Product Description
Audience Segmentation Identifies the relevant audience segments/audiences for Defence activities, including pertinent information about their beliefs, habits, attitudes and behaviours
Behavioural Insight Assessment Identify the priority behaviour drivers for the audience segments and the potential theories of change to apply for a required activity
Narrative Assessment Key narratives and Disinformation, Misinformation, Malinformation and Information (DMMI) across and between the segments
Information Environment Assessment (IEA) An assessment of how information is shared by audiences. It incorporates the virtual and physical dimensions of information sharing and includes an analysis of narratives and topics (information content) as well as dissemination routes and impact (information format)
Human Environment Assessment Analysis of the human factors that affect the operating environment, PMESII is the common analytical framework to follow. (PMESII is political, military, economic, social, information and infrastructure)
Network Analysis Identifies the connections between audiences/audience segments
Channel Analysis Identifies the channels relevant to the audience segments (this will be dependent on findings from the Information Environment Assessment)
Information Packs To inform the planning of activity to deliver a cognitive effect
Assessment Metrics Identified metrics for monitoring change in an audience segment


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch (note new email addresses although the old ones will automatically forward).

DASA Scotland

Deb (djcarr@dasa.mod.gov.uk) – Innovation Partner
Linda (lgalloway@dasa.mod.gov.uk) – Innovation Partner
Anis (amourad@dasa.mod.gov.uk) – Access to Mentoring and Finance Partner

For 5 years, one of the most popular questions I’ve been asked is “What about ideas to help with training?”. Well, here is a new DASA competition addressing that very issue for the Army. We have £2.8m of funding for projects of a maximum of 12 months duration. The funding available per project is expected to be <£300k. Higher funding per project is possible as long as value for money is demonstrated. Projects will commence at a minimum of TRL3 and ideally complete at TRL6.

There are five challenges

Challenge 1: A flexible human terrain

This challenge area seeks innovations that represent the human terrain, such as threat representations that are consistent, both within and across the live, virtual and constructive (LVC) environments.

Challenge 2: A credible suite of players

This challenge area seeks innovations that enable the capability to test the training audience against a broad range of differentiated threats, from hostile civilians to organised insurgents and traditional state actors.

Challenge 3: Representative threat systems

This challenge area seeks innovations that help represent different threats, from peer+ threats to threats below the threshold of conflict across the physical, digital, political and social environments.

Challenge 4: Remote and Autonomous Systems

This challenge area seeks innovations that help represent increasing autonomy in the environment, such as remote and autonomous systems (RAS) and layered intelligence.

Challenge 5: A credible Information Environment

This challenge area seeks innovations to help represent a realistic and contested cyber and electromagnetic environment.

We are holding a dial-in event on 17 March. On 21 and 23 March you can book one-to-one sessions with the technical team to discuss your idea. These sessions will be popular and we advise you book asap.

Full details are here


Please note that at the time of writing, our submission service is closed while we make some changes to the application process as a result of feedback received by innovators and our assessor and moderator communities. We have therefore provided a locked version of the new application form to help you start planning your application (https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1140738/20230306_Populating_the_World_of_Training_Application_Form__Locked_.pdf). There may be some minor typographical errors in this form.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Many kind regards,

DASA Scotland

Deb (djcarr@dasa.service.mod.uk) Innovation Partner
Linda (lgalloway@dasa.service.mod.uk) Innovation Partner
Anis (amourad@dasa.service.mod.uk) Access to Mentoring and Finance Partner

Andrei Rybak is an independent consultant specialising in card payment services and EPOS systems.

Based in Brora and covering the North Highland and Islands region, Andrei provides bespoke electronic payment solutions which give you the power to manage and streamline your operations, increase revenue and save time.

Andrei is pleased to offer fellow Caithness Chamber of Commerce Members a comprehensive business needs assessment, including cost efficiency comparisons at no charge and no commitment from you. To find out more about how Andrei can help your business, please get in touch by email on andrei@rybak.email or call 07785732376