Businesses across Caithness, Sutherland and Orkney aiming to enter the rapidly expanding offshore renewable energy sector can apply to a regional Fit For Offshore Renewables (F4OR) programme for the first time today (12th September 2023).

The industry leading F4OR supply chain growth programme will be delivered by the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult, and supported by £125,000 from offshore wind developer, the West of Orkney Windfarm.

F4OR Caithness, Sutherland and Orkney will provide up to seven companies with the opportunity to take part in the rigorous 12-18 month development programme, designed alongside offshore wind industry experts, and focused on improving business readiness for the offshore renewable energy market.

Davood Sabaei, F4OR Programme Manager at ORE Catapult, said: “We are excited to be launching our first ever F4OR programme in Caithness, Sutherland and Orkney, and we look forward to working alongside local companies on their journey towards success in offshore renewables. It is also fantastic to have endorsement and support from offshore wind developer, the West of Orkney Windfarm, as part of this programme.

“F4OR Caithness, Sutherland and Orkney will build on the success of five F4OR regional programmes delivered by ORE Catapult in the North East of Scotland, North East of England, East Anglia and Suffolk, alongside national programmes run across Scotland and UK-wide, with over 100 companies supported. Participating companies experience an average 28% increase in turnover, and many have gone on to secure a wide range of new contracts.”

Last year, the ScotWind leasing auction created a multi-million pound opportunity for offshore renewable energy projects around the Scottish coastline.

Stephen Kerr, West of Orkney Windfarm Project Director, said: “We’ve been engaging with businesses and organisations in Caithness, Sutherland and Orkney for a number of years, and although construction of ScotWind projects will not ramp up until the latter half of this decade, early engagement with the local supply chain is critical. Participation in this F4OR programme will equip forward-looking firms with the attributes they need to compete successfully for future contracts.

“The West of Orkney Windfarm has already committed to a £105 million investment initiative that will be enhanced to £140 million by third parties to support the offshore wind supply chain locally, in Scotland and across the UK ahead of a Final Investment Decision in 2026.”

JGC Engineering and Technical Services, based in Caithness, previously took part in a F4OR pilot programme.

Stephen Sutherland, Director of JGC, said: “JGC already had a presence in the offshore renewables market with some key industry leaders. However, as we were transitioning from existing markets into this new marketplace, we wanted to demonstrate to prospective clients we had the standards in place required to supply within these new and upcoming markets.

“For JGC, the programme did help us focus on areas we had not focused previously, which has also helped. What F4OR does is give your business a standard that you can market against within the renewables sector, giving prospective clients confidence in the standards you work to within your business.”

Applications are encouraged from established companies, with products or skills that are relevant to the offshore wind sector. To find out more information, go to F4OR and to apply, fill out an expression of interest form here: F4OR – ORE (

Companies have until Tuesday 31 October to express their interest in taking part in F4OR Caithness, Sutherland and Orkney. The programme will start in December 2023.

  • The West of Orkney Windfarm and ORE Catapult will attend a multi-developer supply chain event at the Robert Rendall Building, Franklin Road, Stromness, Orkney from 9am on Tuesday, September 12, hosted by Orkney Islands Council.
  • On Thursday, September 14, West of Orkney Windfarm will also host a supply chain event at the Pentland Hotel in Thurso, in partnership with Caithness Chamber of Commerce where local businesses can meet members the project team.

The Defence Technology Exploitation Programme (DTEP) has been designed to help SMEs join defence supply chains and collaborate with larger suppliers to solve defence problems. On the 7 September 2023, Cycle 3 of the DTEP programme will be closing, Cycle 4 will open for full proposals and Cycle 5 outline opens.

For an SME, DTEP not only offers funding but also the opportunity to deliver new innovations into the UK defence supply chain and a way to develop and scale up their business.

Applications to DTEP can be made by UK-based SMEs looking to form a collaboration with a UK-based higher-tier supplier to help integrate and take the novel solution to market. The key areas of interest for proposals are detailed on the DTEP portal.

The Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) is pleased to reopen the Security Rapid Impact Innovation Open Call which seeks ideas that could enhance the UK security sector.

How much funding is available?

There is no funding limit for proposals submitted to the Security Rapid Impact Open Call, however we expect to fund bids between £100,000 – £350,000.

What is DASA looking for?

Providing security for the UK and its citizens is one of the most important and challenging responsibilities of government and is growing increasingly diverse and complex. To maintain a strategic advantage, we need to ensure the UK has capabilities to ensure public safety and deal with a broad range of challenges that disrupt our way of life.

We are open to ideas that will seek to enhance understanding of threats to UK security and safety, enable threat prevention, or enhance the threat response.

DASA expects that some proposals will be relevant to both defence and security.

  • Your project must have a realistic prospect of being completed by March 2025
  • Your project should be able to achieve an impact within a three years of the completion of the project
  • We will only fund your proposal if there is a strong security user requirement and capability need for the idea
  • You can include a further priced option for a Testing and Trialling Phase.

How mature should my idea be?

Security Rapid Impact Innovations are expected to deliver a technology model or prototype demonstration at Technology Readiness Level TRL 6 or 7 at the end of the contract. This demonstration should be at a limited scale and in the context or environment in which it is expected that the solution would be used.

Learn more and submit an Innovation Outline here.

The Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) is pleased to launch a new Market Exploration which seeks technological solutions for the use of Facial Recognition (FR) technologies within policing and other security stakeholders. Run on behalf of the Home Office, this Market Exploration is seeking to identify higher Technology Readiness Level (TRL) capabilities that could be deployed to benefit the Home Office and Policing and within the next 18 months.

FR technology is an increasingly important capability for law enforcement and is already being used in a number of ways within UK policing and security settings to prevent and detect crime, enhance security, find wanted criminals, safeguard the vulnerable and protect people from harm. The use of FR technologies is at varying stages across UK policing and the use of this technology in an ethical and effective way is a priority for the Home Office.

The Minister of State for Crime, Policing and Fire and Professor Paul Taylor, National Policing Chief Scientific Adviser have jointly supported progressing the use of this technology:

“The Minister of State for Crime, Policing and Fire and I strongly support the development and implementation of facial recognition (FR) technology within the law enforcement sector and are encouraged by it’s potential. We firmly believe that embracing this advanced technology can significantly enhance public safety while respecting individual rights and privacy. Industry is pivotal to realisation of that mission.

“It is essential to acknowledge the concerns surrounding FR technology, particularly those relating to privacy and potential biases. However, responsible development and implementation of FR systems can address these concerns effectively. By establishing robust governance frameworks, implementing strict data protection protocols, and ensuring transparency and accountability, we can strike the right balance between public safety and individual privacy rights.

“To maximise the technological benefits and minimise the risks associated with FR, it is crucial that we support and encourage industry to continue developing capabilities which can be deployed effectively and ethically.”

Professor Paul Taylor, National Policing Chief Scientific Adviser.

Learn more and submit a proposal here.

Do you have a strong track record in enterprise, or a passion for sustainability?

Socially Growing is a social enterprise, based in Thurso, consisting of a plastic free re-fill shop and community owned greenhouses.

They have remote or hybrid opportunities for ambitious and driven people who can spare 8-10 hours per month to help shape and develop their strategy.

Socally Growing is particularly looking to strengthen the board’s expertise in business development, marketing, retail, and commercial growing.

They welcome applications from people in Caithness or further afield.

For more information, contact

The Supplier Development Programme (SDP) will hold the sixth annual Meet the Buyer North event on Tuesday, 12 September as an in-person event at the Music Halls in Aberdeen.

Partnered by the Scottish Government and the Commercial and Procurement Shared Services, this free event will allow local businesses based in Moray, Aberdeenshire, Aberdeen City, Highland, Orkney Islands, Western Isles, and Shetland Islands Councils to connect directly with the public sector to learn about upcoming contracts and opportunities worth £14.5bn in Scotland.

Gillian Cameron, Programme Manager, Supplier Development Programme, said:

“Now in its 6th Year, Meet the Buyer North is an unmissable opportunity for businesses of all sizes to meet buyers and decision makers from across the public and private sectors.

“This is the first time we have held the event in Aberdeen, and the Supplier Development Programme is delighted to be partnering with the Commercial & Procurement Shared Services (CPSS) representing Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire and Highland Councils, Scottish Government, and our local authority partners to support more local businesses to find, win and keep public sector contracts at Meet the Buyer North.

Fiona Conti, Chair of the Supplier Development Programme and Strategic Procurement Manager at Commercial & Procurement Shared Services (CPSS), said:

“We are delighted to be hosting this year’s Meet the Buyer North event and this is your opportunity as a local/ regional business or social enterprise to meet with us, so that when we are looking for goods, services, or works we have a better understanding of who is out there”.

“There are fantastic benefits to having a public sector buyer as a customer for small businesses, including getting paid within 30 days as a legal maximum, which offers cashflow they can count on.”

On the day, suppliers will have the opportunity to listen to presentations on a wide range of topics that offer opportunities to grow and support their business or social enterprise.

This action-packed agenda will include Richard Lochhead MSP, Minister for Small Business, Innovation, Tourism and Trade, delivering the Ministerial Address, and joining an open panel Question and Answer session, which will include representation from Scottish Government, the Commercial & Procurement Shared Services and SDP offering SMEs, Social Enterprises and Third Sector Organisations a forum to talk all things procurement, so get your questions ready for this interactive session.

In addition to exhibitors from the Scottish Government, Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeenshire Council and Highland Council, other confirmed public sector exhibitors include buyers from Moray Council, Historic Environment Scotland, and Scottish Procurement Alliance.

Corporate members, Balfour Beatty Construction and Robertson Facilities Management will also be exhibiting on the day to engage suppliers in the North of Scotland and discuss the range of projects they have in their pipeline and upcoming supply chain opportunities.

More than 550 people have already registered to attend Meet the Buyer North 2023 on 12 September. Have you? It is a must-attend event for businesses of all sizes based in the North of Scotland.

Businesses must register for free tickets in advance via

The West of Orkney Windfarm will be hosting a supply chain event in Thurso on September 14 where local businesses can meet members of the project team and learn more about how to bid successfully for future work packages.

The event, which has been organised in partnership with the Caithness Chamber of Commerce, will be hosted in the Pentland Hotel.

“We would like to encourage companies from across the north of Scotland to come along to this event and engage with the West of Orkney team,” says Rob Heaton, Supply Chain and Local Content Lead.

“Although construction of the wind farm will not ramp up fully for a number of years, we believe early engagement is critical in helping local firms understand how work will be advertised and procured, and in enabling them to bid successfully for future contracts,” Rob says.

In addition to the Caithness event, the West of Orkney Windfarm will also be participating in a number of other supply chain events in Aberdeen, Inverness and Orkney this Autumn.

The West of Orkney Windfarm has already committed to a £105 million investment initiative during this initial phase of the project to develop the supply chain that will be enhanced to at least £140 million by match funding from third parties.

“We will be making announcements in the coming weeks on specific initiatives which will create opportunities for the supply chain in Scotland, and I would encourage companies to come along to one of the supply chain events to meet the team and understand more about our project,” Rob concludes.

Event bookings will be live mid August, for further information contact

Further details on supply chain events can be found here:

The Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) has launched a new competition on behalf of The Innovative Research Call (IRC). This £3.1 million competition seeks state of the art and technological solutions for the improved detection of explosives and weapons.

The Innovative Research Call (IRC) 2023 for Explosives and Weapons Detection is a cross-government programme that seeks proposals from industry and academia for the screening of people and/or their possessions, goods, vehicles, and buildings and areas. This collaboration is one of the links the UK has with the US through science and innovation.

In Short:

  • DASA has launched a new Themed Competition: The Innovative Research Call (IRC) 2023 for Explosives and Weapons Detection
  • The IRC competition is a collaborative action of several government departments and law enforcement agencies
  • The total funding available is £3.1 million, this will be split into two competition phases
  • Deadline for submissions is 30 August 2023 at 12 midday (BST)

If you have an idea for a scientific or technical solution for the improved detection of explosives and weapons, submit your proposal now!


Learn more and submit a proposal!
The Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) is pleased to launch a new Themed Competition called Autonomous Sensor Management and Sensor Counter Deception. Funded by Dstl, this competition seeks proposals that develop solutions for autonomous sensor management and sensor deception in intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) scenarios and represents the first phase of a competition being run in support of Dstl’s Sensor Fusion and Management (SFM) project which leads on generation-after-next sensor fusion and management research.

DASA will host a Q&A webinar on 20 July along with a series of 20 minute 1-2-1 teleconference sessions held on 27 July and 2 August to offer an opportunity to ask your specific questions to the competition team.


In Short:

  • Up to £800,000 (ex VAT) is available to fund multiple proposals
  • The deadline to submit a proposal is midday 13 September 2023
  • A Q&A webinar to discuss the competition requirements will take place on 20 July 2023
  • 1-2-1 sessions to discuss your specific questions will take place on the 27 July and 2 August 2023

This competition has two challenges:

Challenge 1: Sensor Management
Challenge 2: Sensor Counter Deception
Do you have an innovative idea to develop solutions for autonomous sensor management and sensor deception in intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) scenarios?


Learn more and submit a proposal!


Participate in our Q&A and 1-2-1 Sessions

DASA will host a Q&A session on 20 July where you can learn more about the competition requirements and ask your questions in an open forum.

Additionally, you can sign up to a series of 20 minute 1-2-1 teleconference sessions held on the 27 July and 2 August for the opportunity to ask specific questions directly to the project team.


Register for the Q&A Webinar 20 July


Register for a 1-2-1 Session 27 July


Register for a 1-2-1 Session 2 August