Scottish Chambers of Commerce: Business says no to national lockdown

Following a meeting of Scottish Chambers of Commerce’s Business Advisory Group, where business experts reviewed the State of the Scottish Economy, Tim Allan, President of SCC, said:

“Talk of a further blanket lockdown is unacceptable to Scottish businesses. It would damage consumer and business confidence which have already taken an unprecedented economic hit throughout this crisis.

“Returning to national lockdown measures will take our economy back to square one – we simply cannot continue to keep switching the lights of the economy on and off. It risks not just jobs but the wellbeing of entire communities.

“Instead, we should focus on using the evidence we have to target problem areas. We have seen how Test and Trace and better data means we are in a much different place than at the start of the pandemic. The data the Scottish Government now has is sophisticated and detailed and will show which environments and geographical areas the virus is spreading. In the vast majority of cases, the recent growth and spread of the virus is not coming from business-managed environments. Companies across Scotland have invested heavily to protect its customers and employees – we are playing an outsized role in the fight against the spread of the virus.

“We know the virus will be with us for a long time. We must learn to manage it so we can carry on with our lives and protect livelihoods while keeping the risk of transmission as low as possible.”

Responding to the latest update of the route map for Scotland through and out of lockdown restrictions, Dr Liz Cameron, Chief Executive of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce said:

“The guidance and rules on preventing the spread of the virus must be followed; we simply cannot afford further lockdowns or any further rolling ‘circuit-breaker’ restrictions.

“The reality is that thousands of businesses are about to go under, particularly those operating soft play facilities and in our world-class culture and events sectors.

“These businesses are bitterly disappointed that breakouts that have not stemmed from their operations mean they now must remain closed for longer and potentially face ruin. The Scottish Government must move quickly to deliver the necessary financial support to save jobs and livelihoods in these sectors immediately.

“Meanwhile office-based businesses have followed and often exceeded every piece of guidance and health and safety regulation when it comes to making their premises Covid safe. All are ready to start breathing life back into our moribund city centres.

“Business, trade unions and the Scottish Government have worked together over the last three weeks on a set of clear recommendations and actions driven by health and economic data which shows that a managed reopening of our offices – for those who wish to reopen – can happen safely. We expect this plan to be positively considered and actioned, before the next review of the route map.”

Responding to the latest update of the route map for Scotland through and out of lockdown restrictions, Dr Liz Cameron, Chief Executive of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce said:

“The guidance and rules on preventing the spread of the virus must be followed; we simply cannot afford further lockdowns or any further rolling ‘circuit-breaker’ restrictions.

“The reality is that thousands of businesses are about to go under, particularly those operating soft play facilities and in our world-class culture and events sectors.

“These businesses are bitterly disappointed that breakouts that have not stemmed from their operations mean they now must remain closed for longer and potentially face ruin. The Scottish Government must move quickly to deliver the necessary financial support to save jobs and livelihoods in these sectors immediately.

“Meanwhile office-based businesses have followed and often exceeded every piece of guidance and health and safety regulation when it comes to making their premises Covid safe. All are ready to start breathing life back into our moribund city centres.

“Business, trade unions and the Scottish Government have worked together over the last three weeks on a set of clear recommendations and actions driven by health and economic data which shows that a managed reopening of our offices – for those who wish to reopen – can happen safely. We expect this plan to be positively considered and actioned, before the next review of the route map.”

It’s been another strange month, not just for us but for all our members and businesses nationwide. We continue to do our very best for our members as things progress in these unprecedented times. We’re thrilled to welcome new members this month, Belzona, teclan & North Coast Distillers.

Belzona are a global designer and manufacturer of repair composite materials and industrial protective coatings. Since the company was founded in 1952, the team have made it their mission to exceed customers’ needs and expectations by providing long-lasting, quality repair and maintenance solutions.

Belzona technology can provide the answer to an extensive cross-section of repair areas, from full turnkey systems to simple in-situ repairs. They are committed to providing bespoke solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of each and every client. Their approach to refurbishment and protection avoids the need for replacement, reducing repair and maintenance costs, and above all, downtime.








teclan are a Digital Marketing agency specialising in web design and development, SEO, PPC, Social media and email marketing. They also offer additional services such as PR, design and brand development. teclan have designed a special offer exclusively for fellow Chamber members.
Do you know how to easily reach your new and existing customers, wherever they inhabit online, whether that’s local or national news brands, Facebook, local radio, Youtube, TikTok, Twittter and many more?
The offer is a minimum of 100,000 adverts served online across a four-week period – the teclan team can help design the ad and they’ll provide a comprehensive report afterwards. The cost of this to Caithness Chamber members is only £250 plus VAT, a saving of £50 plus VAT. 

teclan logo





North Coast Distillers creates premium small batch and sustainable spirits from their North Coast Distillery site in Forss, West Caithness. Their website is set to launch this week, you can head over and sign up to the mailing list to be kept in the loop here. You’ll also find them on various social media platforms. FacebookInstagram & Linkedin. We can’t wait to see the range of spirits which which will be on offer, it’s always brilliant to see new business in the North Highlands.










To learn about how Chamber membership could benefit your business, see the Membership benefits page or get in touch with Fiona Levack, Business Development Manager to arrange an informal chat. You can email fiona here: The Chamber offers advice and support to businesses of all sizes, at all stages and in all sectors and we would be thrilled to hear from you.

In addition to chamber membership, many of our funded projects offer support and guidance to businesses in a range of ways. See the list of options, here.

On 29th October 2020 we’re hosting a Maximise Your Membership event which will allow chamber members to learn more about the benefits of their membership. The interactive session will allow members to ask questions and remind themselves of the opportunities chamber membership offers. Learn more about it and register to attend here.

Did you know that we offer a membership referral scheme? If you refer a business who joins the chamber, you could benefit from £50 off your next renewal. Read more here.

Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) has launched a new grant scheme for start-up or young (less than five years old) companies / social enterprises, the Young Company Capital Investment Scheme. This will provide grant funding of up to 50% of the costs (up to £50,000) for capital equipment.

The scheme is open to SMEs with a UK registered address, that can provide evidence of economic activity in the Highlands & Islands. Both unincorporated (sole trader, partnership, etc.) and incorporated (limited company, community interest company, etc.) forms of business can apply.

Full details of the scheme and eligibility criteria can be downloaded here. Anybody wishing to apply should contact for an application pack.

Note that businesses are required to provide various forms of evidence in support of an application. The Chamber is happy to provide advice and guidance to assist with, for example, drawing up an outline proposal or putting together cashflow projections. Simply email or call us on 01847 890076 and one of our team will be happy to help.

Note that all completed applications must be submitted to HIE by 12 noon on 23 October 2020.

As you will be aware, the Chancellor of the Exchequer yesterday gave an update on his Winter Economy Plan, including several proposed measures to support businesses through the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Our colleagues in Scottish Chambers of Commerce have produced a short summary of the key announcements and the details that have been released of the schemes so far. You can download this by clicking here. Or read it in the PDF viewer below.



Some details have also been published on GOV.UK of the Job Support Scheme and Self-Employment Income Support Scheme grant extension.

Note that employers using the Job Support Scheme will also be able to claim the Job Retention Bonus if they meet the eligibility criteria for that means of support.

As ever, we will strive to keep you updated as soon as more details become available over the coming days and weeks. Keep an eye on the COVID-19 Support Updates pages for all the information we have on the various support and guidance available.

Following the announcement today by the Chancellor Rishi Sunak MP of a new wage support scheme and a package of business lending extension and tax forbearance, Dr Liz Cameron, Chief Executive of Scottish Chambers of Commerce said:

“Hundreds of thousands of jobs in Scotland are reliant on the current furlough scheme so we are pleased the Chancellor has listened to our calls and introduced a new wage support scheme, along with a package of business lending scheme extensions and tax forbearance. This should help save many from losing their jobs completely and lessen the immediate pressure on cash flow for businesses, particularly during what will continue to be difficult trading conditions this coming winter.

“However topping up wages can only ever be a sticking plaster. In Scotland we need a comprehensive plan focused on retraining and upskilling our workforce and investment in the creation of new jobs.

“As a matter of urgency, we need both governments to reduce costs so we are able to invest and start growing our businesses again. We call on the Scottish Government to put a stop on the legislative instrument going through the Scottish Parliament next month which would delay the revaluation of property rates from 2022 to 2023. We must also fast track all construction and infrastructure contracts that can get Scottish businesses building back.

“We need to build confidence for businesses and the consumers that support them.”

Speaking about the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s Winter Economy Plan announced today (24 September), Trudy Morris, Chief Executive of Caithness Chamber of Commerce, said:

“This week’s report from the Office for National Statistics makes for grim reading, revealing that the UK economy as a whole is 11.7% smaller than it was pre-lockdown. Some sectors have been particularly hard hit, with accommodation and food services down 60% compared to pre-lockdown measures.

“The support from Government to date, including the furlough scheme, has been welcome and has clearly helped to stave off significant redundancies and further economic downturn. However, what these figures show is that we need a much larger, targeted package of intervention and stimulus measures to kickstart the whole economy and provide lifeline support to those sectors which have been most impacted by the pandemic.

“The Chancellor’s newly-announced Jobs Support Scheme will be welcome news for many businesses who were facing a cliff-edge as the furlough scheme comes to an end. It is important now that businesses are provided with details of how the scheme will work and how they can apply as soon as possible to enable their future planning.

“The extension of the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme will also bring welcome relief to those self-employed individuals who were likewise facing a hard winter of reduced demand and income.

“With regards to the extension of the VAT cut for tourism and hospitality, the time has come to stop treating this as a temporary measure and announce a permanent cut in VAT for the sector. This would give the sector parity with our European neighbours and enable long-term economic benefits.

“Following today’s announcements by the Chancellor, the onus is now on Scottish Government to follow suit and deliver clear, targeted support to businesses across Scotland. This should look not only to immediate shoring up of key sectors, but to future growth prospects and the funding of shovel-ready projects across the country to provide much-needed economic stimulus.

“The Chamber will continue to work with its members to understand where support is most needed in the coming months, and to work with our colleagues in Scottish Chambers to ensure that Scottish and UK Governments provide this.

“The stricter restrictions recently announced by Scottish Government do present additional concerns for the survival of businesses in the North Highlands. While the Chancellor’s measures will give some much-needed reassurance to business, we need not just support but clarity from Government to allow us to plan ahead in the weeks and months to come.”

Scottish Chambers of Commerce urge governments to support jobs and safety

Scottish Chambers of Commerce call for:

  • Urgent delivery of targeted support to businesses and hardest-hit sectors.
  • Clear timetable and routemap of additional restrictions including review periods, measurement criteria and trigger points to introduce or remove restrictions.
  • Continuation of trading for businesses with robust Covid-secure environments.

Commenting on the announcement of new lockdown restrictions in Scotland by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, Dr Liz Cameron, Chief Executive, Scottish Chambers of Commerce said:

“Businesses across Scotland have already been following and even exceeding the rules put in place to protect our employees and customers. We have created Covid-secure environments to protect jobs and livelihoods. This will continue to be our priority.”

“Health & safety is absolutely critical. As employers, we take our responsibilities very seriously. Human behaviour is key to reducing the spread of the virus and we encourage everyone to follow Covid-19 guidelines in and out of the workplace.”

“Every restriction imposed is a risk to jobs. We need to see an immediate joint plan between the Scottish and UK Government with a package of support measures ready to go which gives businesses the confidence to plan, prepare and trade. We also require clarity on when the data and restrictions can be reviewed and lifted.”

“We are in a better position now than we were in March to be led by the health and economic data. Let’s be in no doubt that stricter measures in Scotland are undeniably more dangerous for the survival of businesses. That’s why both governments must support those employers who have worked hard to create safe working environments. They should be allowed to continue trading, with mitigations in place, if we are to protect jobs and businesses.”