Beyond Line of Sight Communications (IFA036)

This IFA is being run on behalf of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) Communication and Networks programme, and is seeking Generation-After-Next (GAN) proposals, which explore and develop new / novel beyond line of sight (BLOS) communication options.

This IFA expects proposals to deliver a proof of concept at around Technical Readiness Level(TRL) 3/4 by the end of the project. DASA expects to fund proposals around £100K, (although this is not a hard limit) which provides a proof of concept within a maximum contract duration of 2 years.


Making Science Fiction a Reality: Future Directed Energy Weapons (IFA035)

DASA are seeking proposals which present ideas to contribute to the first generation of deployed Directed Energy Weaponhe first generation of deployed Directed Energy Weapons. We are interested in novel ideas to enhance the performance and/or reduce the size, mass and volume of the system and sub system areas associated with laser and RF Directed Energy Weapons. Full details are provided on our website.

For this IFA, DASA are seeking ideas  between TRL 2-6,  with suggested project values of between £50k-£200k, and a maximum project duration of 12 months.

Full descriptions of these IFAs can be found at:


The DASA Innovation Focus Area on Human Augmentation has been extended for another Cycle of the DASA Open Call. It will now close at midday 23 November.  This IFA is seeking ideas that temporarily or permanently modify human performance.  The call is very wide and covers everything from nutrition to exoskeletons.  Projects will finish at TRL3 and last 6 months.  The value of the contracts will be around £70k.  Please find further details below.

Any questions, please get in touch.

Kind regards,

DASA Scotland

Deb ( – Innovation Partner
Linda ( – Innovation Partner
Anis ( – Access to Mentoring and Finance Partner

You may have seen that we have launched a new Market Exploration called ‘How clean is your hull?’. The Royal Navy is looking for innovative ways to clean submarines, specifically to mitigate the negative impact of bio-fouling on a submarine’s signature and performance.

More details are here

If you have any questions, please get in touch.

Many kind regards,

DASA Scotland

Deb ( – Innovation Partner
Linda ( – Innovation Partner
Anis ( – Acces to Mentoring and Finance Partner

DASA are pleased to announce a new funding programme called the Defence Technology Exploitation Programme (DTEP).

DTEP is a £16m programme designed to help small or medium-sized (lower-tier) SME suppliers join Defence supply chains and to boost SME defence innovation. Lower-tier suppliers will partner with UK-based higher-tier suppliers who provides or plans to provide Capability to MOD. A grant of up to 50% of total eligible project costs is available to SMEs, up to a maximum value of £500k (£1m total project). In addition, a higher-tier supplier contribution of in-kind resources is required to work with the lower-tier – a minimum of 15% of the total project value. This will not form part of the eligible grant, but is provide in addition to and on top of any government funded support.

Any proposals must address one of the MOD Enduring Capability Challenges:

  1. Pervasive Full Spectrum Multidomain Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR)
  2. Multi-Domain Command, Control, Communications and Computing (C4)
  3. Securing and Sustaining Advantage in the Sub-Threshold
  4. Asymmetric and Hard Power
  5. Freedom of Access and Manoeuvre in Key Domains and Environments

The competition will be run in 3 monthly cycles, and will have two stages: an outline submission and a full submission.

Full details and closing dates can be found in the competition document here:

If you are interested in DTEP please get in touch.


Linda Galloway
Debra Carr
Anis Mourad
DASA Scotland

Very exciting news of a low TRL DASA competition. We are working with the Defence Science and Technology Futures (DSTF) Programme within dstl (Defence Science and Technology Laboratory).

This is different to the normal DASA Competition format so make sure you read the Competition Document carefully. First of all, there is a modified much shorter application form.

Contracts are for a fixed amount (£50k) and there are fixed deliverables i) a two-page executive summary, ii) a 5000-7500 word report and iii) a 20 min presentation – we’d prefer people to attend in person but a virtual option can be arranged. The presentation will be in London and T&S associated with it must be included in the £50k. We aim to fund at least 15 of these projects which will start ~03 Jan 2023 and finish 04 May 2023 (presentations are 03 and 04 May). All the detail is in the Competition Document

So, what are we looking for?

We want to explore novel and creative ideas, concepts and/or technologies that have the potential to cause a significant game-changing or disruptive impact on Defence. We define ‘disruptive impact’ as “… something that radically alters how we do things – this can be positive (e.g. a new capability becomes available) or negative (e.g. a new type of threat arises).” Any topic is of interest from all disciplines.

There is a dial-in session on Friday 16 September. We expect this to be popular so register asap.

If you have any questions get in touch.

Many kind regards,

DASA Scotland

Deb ( – Innovation Partner
Linda ( – Innovation Partner
Anis ( – Access to Mentoring and Finance Partner

You may have seen an announcement on social media for a DASA event hosted at BattleLab ( ). I have been assured that it will be possible to attend virtually with break-out rooms being provided for private conversations. The event is in advance of a new DASA Themed Competition – Novel Amphibious Craft which is due to launch in October 2022. The aim is to fund technologies to help develop a new Commando Insertion Craft (CIC).

This platform will transport personnel and light vehicles across distances in extreme conditions while evading coastal sensors. The work will require collaboration between experts in many disciplines, including those outside the defence sector. This event looks to accelerate partnerships by bringing together prospective innovators.

More details are here

If you are interested, I would suggest signing up via Eventbrite asap ( ). Registration closes on 23 September.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Many kind regards,

DASA Scotland

Deb ( – Innovation Partner
Linda ( – Innovation Partner
Anis ( – Access to Mentoring and Finance Partner

If you wish to be removed from this list or have a colleague to be added please email Deb.

The Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm (PFOWF) has joined the Caithness Chamber of Commerce as a diamond partner – the highest level of membership.

This will support the Chamber in its mission to create a vibrant business community within the North Highlands and maximise the opportunities the project will bring to the area.

The PFOWF is a 100-MW project being developed off the coast of Dounreay in Scotland which once completed, will generate enough clean electricity for almost 70,000 homes, approximately 65% of those in the Highland Council area.

Scheduled to be operational by 2026, the development will test and demonstrate new floating wind technology solutions which will reduce costs, accelerate industrialisation and offer learnings for future ScotWind projects and floating offshore wind globally.

Commenting on new membership, Richard Copeland, Project Director said:

“Highlighting our ongoing commitment to the region, our membership will allow us to engage further with the local supply chain in Caithness and beyond, providing opportunities to promote the wider benefits of the project, both during construction, and when operational.

“As part of our plans to work with local suppliers, we look forward to building a partnership with the Chamber to deliver social and economic benefits wherever possible; from the development of our O&M base at Scrabster Harbour to the wider infrastructure and support services the project will generate.

“We’ll also look to collaborate on skills initiatives through local colleges to provide provision for apprenticeships and training that bring further employment to the area. Complementary to this, is our education and training fund which will assist local school students going on to study STEM courses in further and higher education.”

Trudy Morris, Chief Executive at Caithness Chamber of Commerce, added: “We are delighted to welcome Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm as Diamond Premier Partners. This cements the importance given to maximising opportunities for the local supply chain and wider community and is a significant commitment by the organisation. We look forward to working with the team to help realise the opportunities for businesses, communities and our young people.

“This will be a transformational project for the region as offshore wind developments such as the Pentland Floating Offshore Wind Farm play a key role in helping Scotland and the UK reach their net zero targets as well as create jobs and drive investment in skills and infrastructure.”

The Defence Exploitation Service has set up a webinar with DASA, hosting a speaker from Defence Procurement to provide useful information to innovators on ‘Doing Business with Defence’. This will include information on where to find MOD contract competitions and frameworks advertised, a brief overview on how to use the Defence Sourcing Portal what to expect during the process.

The webinar and the eventbrite link are detailed below:

Date: Monday 26th September
Time: 1400
More details and sign up:

Looking to fly from Wick but unsure of schedules and connections?

The link below gives access to information on the schedule of flights from Wick to Aberdeen and onward domestic & international connections.

For more information – click here

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