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While welcoming the Scottish Parliament’s decision to retain the Uniform Business Rate, SCC has urged the Scottish Parliament to reconsider what it believes is a major barrier to a more flexible, responsive rates system outside of the revaluation cycle following voting on the Non Domestic Rates Bill (Scotland) yesterday.

Dr Liz Cameron, Chief Executive of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce, said:

“The Scottish Chambers of Commerce is deeply concerned about the impact of Section 8B of the Bill which has the effect of completely removing Scottish ratepayers’ appeal rights when there is a change in economic circumstances.

“SCC made clear our views that this Section came forward at Stage 2 without proper consultation or consideration of the ratepayers that it would affect, and now guarantees a more inflexible system to market changes and undermines the move to three yearly revaluations.

“The Conservative party tabled a Stage 3 amendment to seek such a consultation but all other parties voted against this sensible amendment to what we believe is a part of the Bill that will be damaging to all ratepayers in Scotland and will prove to be a major barrier to a more flexible, responsive rates system outside of the revaluation cycle, which is what the Bill’s purpose was.”

On the MSPs’ rejection of amendments calling for changes to the Uniform Business rate, Dr Cameron said:

“SCC welcomes the rejection of an amendment to the Non-Domestic rates bill which would have seen powers over business rates devolved to local authorities. What is clear is that transformative changes such as this should be subject to significant scrutiny, taking into consideration the significant changes this could bring to the business environment.

“As a network, SCC is mindful of calls for greater regional powers which continue to be a feature of discussions with our members. The Bill has however, devolved powers on setting of empty property relief to local authorities which will create differences in treatment of empty properties in different local authority areas.”

On new powers for Scottish Assessors, Dr Cameron continued:

“SCC is concerned that calls for softening the imposition of onerous penalties and compliance deadlines have been rejected. This aspect of the bill will be particularly challenging for SMEs who often do not always have the resources to manage what information is being requested and for what purpose.

“The Chamber Network believes the penalty system in England appears more reasonable and proportionate and we urge Scottish Government to rethink and bring penalties more in line so companies in Scotland are not disadvantaged.”

Read more here.

The Dornoch Area Community Interest Company (DACIC) is absolutely delighted to announce that it has become the new owner of the former Dornoch Police Station following a successful Asset Transfer Request from Police Scotland, which included a 5% discount from market valuation in acknowledgement of the significant community benefit that will ensue from the community ownership of the building. The acquisition was funded by the Scottish Land Fund.

2020-02-03 - Dornoch News Item (2)

Following extensive community consultation, the renovated building will house a business hub with offices, a creative hub with studios and workshops and a health & well-being hub with a much-requested gym.  There will be a community room available for a range of activities including a youth club, a coding club, healthy eating sessions and dementia inclusive craft workshops.   There is also a conference room on the first floor and a ground floor meeting room that can be hired by the hour by local businesses and organisations.  There will be an IT hot desk facility, with potential for one to one IT training.

The former Police Station includes a four-bedroom hostel, which it was hoped could be transformed into a childcare centre. However, in July the childcare provider indicated that they are no longer able to proceed. DACIC has since developed alternative plans for the old hostel accommodation, in consultation with the local hotels and Royal Dornoch Golf Club all of whom have a need for affordable staff accommodation during the tourist season. Four rooms will be available for seasonal staff and in the winter DACIC will work with TYKES in Golspie to offer respite accommodation for young carers and their families.

Joan Bishop, chair of The Dornoch Area Community Interest Company (DACIC) says “DACIC is absolutely delighted to see this project coming to fruition and is extremely grateful to the financial support from the Scottish Land Fund and the co-operation of Police Scotland in the Asset Transfer Request. All parties have worked well together to enable this 1980’s building in the centre of historic Dornoch to become a community owned asset and be transformed into the Dornoch Hub. This exciting project will deliver benefits to the whole community – especially the gym which has been on the wish list for over a decade. ”

2020-02-03 - Dornoch News Item

Chief Inspector Jamie Wilson shakes hands with Joan Bishop, Chair DACIC. In back row left to right: Gordon Sutherland, Secretary DACIC, Catherine Moodie, Community Development Manager DACIC, Liz Howard Development Manager Highlands & Islands Enterprise and Scottish Land Fund, Iain Levens, Levens Studio

John Watt, Scottish Land Fund Committee Chair said: “I am delighted that the Scottish Land Fund has been able to help The Dornoch Area Community Interest Company to bring this locally important building into community ownership. They have some very exciting plans for the future and are a great example of how a community can transform ambition into reality.”

Local architect Iain Vaughan Levens of Levens Studio was appointed to lead the design team. Planning permission and building warrant have been obtained and we expect to issue a request to tender on the Public Contract Scotland shortly. DACIC has secured grants of £50k from the Town Centre Fund and £50k from Beatrice Windfarm Ltd and await the outcome of other bids to complete the transformation from the former Police Station to the Dornoch Hub.  Thirteen businesses have noted their interest to rent office, creative and hostel space. The gym will be leased to operator Silverback Gym of Tain who are making a significant investment in equipment.

Chief Superintendent George Macdonald, Divisional Commander for the Highlands, said,  “The community asset transfer represents a really positive new chapter for a police building which has been much under-utilised for many years and we will continue to provide the required policing cover for the Dornoch community from nearby Golspie and Tain.  We wish the Dornoch Area Community Interest Company well with this exciting venture”

DACIC appointed Catherine Moodie as Community Development Manager in charge of Fundraising in January 2019 and Kerri Stevens as Project Manager in August 2020. Together this represents a full-time post which has been funded by Beatrice Windfarm Ltd. and the Dornoch Common Good Fund.

For further information, please contact Joan Bishop, Chair, DACIC joan.bishop@outlook.com

A quick roundup of news and blog posts from around the web from members of the Chamber:

Care & Learning Alliance – Parentzone Scotland – I am an engineer!

A recent newsletter from the Northern Alliance highlighted the website Parentzone Scotland for supporting Family Engagement. This website is a tool to support parents ‘be at the heart of their child’s learning’ by providing useful information on a broad range of topics including curriculum, schools, additional support needs and ideas for supporting their child’s learning at home.

Highlands & Islands Airports Ltd – New FAQ section for ATMS Programme

HIAL announced its plans to introduce a remote tower air traffic management system (ATMS) in January 2018 and since then HIAL staff, the Unions and key stakeholder groups have been kept informed on all aspects of the review from its inception.

HRI|Munro Architecture – Update January 2020

January update from HRI|Munro Architecture

Lyth Arts Centre – Imagine

Lyth Arts Centre and Imaginate are collaborating in 2020 to support an artist to explore a new theatre and/or dance performance idea for young audiences and undertake a period of practical research towards a new piece of work.

Dunnet Bay Distillers – BBC Saturday Kitchen featuring Rock Rose Gin

Episode of popular Saturday Kitchen, featuring local Rock Rose Gin.

Highland Council –  increasing pace to build a sustainable future

A national audit report has highlighted the Highland Council’s clear strategic vision and the increased pace of change to ensure long term financial sustainability, accountability and ambition.

North Lands Creative – ISGNE AiR – Sophie Longwill

A blog entry from Sophie Longwill, Artist in Residence at North Lands Creative.

Scrabster Harbour – Weekly Update (24th January 2020)

An update from Scrabster Harbour

Ashley Ann – plans to create new jobs

UP to 40 new jobs are set to be created by a Caithness company over the next five years following an investment of more than £2 million in its Wick base.

GDES – SAFETY II: The New Positive Approach to Safety and the Human Factor

GDES has started progressive implementation of the SAFETY II philosophy in its work teams. A new positive and collaborative approach to safety focused on what is done well and what keeps the workplace accident rate at zero.

Caithness Voluntary Group – Nominate for the Young Scot Awards 2020

The Sunday Mail Young Scot Awards 2020 are now open for nominations. Do you know any incredible and inspiring young Scots who deserve recognition? 

Caithness Voluntary Group – Robertson Trust Main Grant & Small Awards

Please note that the last date on which The Robertson Trust will accept applications for their Main and Small Awards is 5pm on Friday, 28th February 2020.

John O’Groats Brewery – Time for a Move

We are delighted to be able to announce our plan to move into the Last House at John o’Groats where we will open our gleaming new brewery, along with shop and a tasting bar….all going well.

Highland Council – Vehicle restrictions at Highland Council Household Waste Recycling Centres

From the 3rd February 2020, The Highland Council will be introducing vehicle restrictions at Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC).

This is just a short roundup of stories we’ve spotted over the past two weeks. We are always keen to promote good news and events on our members’ behalf, so contact us today if you’ve got something to share!

SIMEC Atlantis Energy said that its 6MW tidal energy project MeyGen has exported close to 25 gigawatt hours (GWh) of renewable electricity to the national grid.

MeyGen exported over 13.8GWh of renewable electricity in 2019, according to Atlantis’ operational update, equivalent to the average annual electricity consumption of around 3800 typical UK homes generating a revenue of £3.9 million.

Phase 1A of MeyGen operates with 5 ROCs and had generated total revenues since operations started of £7.1 million as at the end of 2019.

Tim Cornelius, CEO of Atlantis, said: “I am delighted to report that MeyGen has now exported a remarkable 24.7GWh of predictable renewable energy. Not only is this world-renowned project helping the UK meet its Net Zero ambitions, but it is also providing valuable performance data which can be used to inform future projects, demonstrating MeyGen’s importance as a global prototype.”

The AR1500 turbine is due to undergo maintenance and will be transported to land for servicing and upgrade work at the end of this month, with redeployment at MeyGen targeted for the spring. The upgrade should increase the turbines revenue by 4% with no increase in the turbines operating cost.

During 2019, Atlantis announced its intention to develop the next phase of its MeyGen array which will see an additional 80MW of tidal capacity added to the existing project site between the island of Stroma and the mainland. Atlantis intends to design, consent and build the world’s first ocean-powered data centre near the MeyGen site, connected to the tidal array via a private wire. A concept study has been completed with design underway to include a connection to the Celtic Norse subsea fibre optic cable currently in development. Atlantis is exploring connections to other international fibre optic cables as well.

“MeyGen holds a 398MW seabed lease and our data centre expansion project is world leading for a number of reasons. The cost of tidal power continues to reduce and this is being assisted by the sustained pressure the offshore wind market places on the supply chain domestically and abroad,

The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil but data, and by combining tidal power with stranded onshore wind farms in close proximity to MeyGen, we can create a virtual power plant to provide sustainable power to a data centre in Scotland, creating important new fibre connections for Scotland and the UK in the process,” added Cornelius.

Source – https://marineenergy.biz/

John O’Groats Brewery are delighted to be able to announce their plan to move into the Last House at John o’Groats where they will open a gleaming new brewery, along with shop and a tasting bar.

This location has been the team’s green-eyed sights for a while – a beautiful traditional “but and ben” cottage dating back to the 1700s and they think the oldest building in John o’Groats.  Its steeped in history and tradition and in a fabulous location overlooking the raging waters of the Pentland Firth across to Stroma and the Orkney Isles beyond.

2020-01-29 - John O'Groats Brewery News Item

Fingers crossed the new brewery should be ready for opening later this year.

You can read more about the exciting move here.


GDES has started progressive implementation of the SAFETY II philosophy in its work teams. A new positive and collaborative approach to safety focused on what is done well and what keeps the workplace accident rate at zero.

SAFETY II is a working methodology that complements the RedER programme and focuses on good practices on three levels: workplace safety, accident prevention and the human factor.

The team of the Citernes project, developed by GDES France for several EDF plants, has pioneered the adoption of this system. There is no doubt that it has been successfully implemented thanks to the involvement of all participating operators and technicians.

In collaboration with all the staff involved in the project, 11 good practices were compiled and refined. All the initiatives are a recognition of the quality of the work of our colleagues and the human factor, which guarantees “that all goes well”.

Implementation of this methodology means a change of paradigm: we now not only talk about “human error” but also about “human success”. The objective is to promote positive day-to-day behaviours that demonstrate safe attitudes and emphasise a positive approach to safety. The SAFETY II philosophy will be gradually implemented in more GDES projects and workplaces worldwide. The continuity of the programme and its expansion will be one more element of our commitment to sustainability and to maintaining the highest levels of quality and safety at GDES – project after project, generation after generation.

Lyth Arts Centre and Imaginate are collaborating in 2020 to support an artist to explore a new theatre and/or dance performance idea for young audiences and undertake a period of practical research towards a new piece of work.

This opportunity includes:

  • A week in residence at LAC from Monday 22nd June – Sunday 28th June 2020
  • A bursary of £2000 to cover fees, materials and per diems for the residency period
  • Return travel to LAC from anywhere in Scotland
  • Accommodation
  • Support and advice from Imaginate and Lyth Arts Centre staff
  • Access to Go & See funding for the Edinburgh International Children’s Festival 2020 including seeing productions and taking part in the professional development programme for delegates

This is an opportunity for an artist interested in exploring a new performance idea for young audiences. It is open to those who have experience of working with this audience as well as those for whom this would be a new departure in their practice. They are especially interested in ideas that contributes to a wide-ranging and inclusive programme of performance, and work that addresses underrepresented voices and/or themes in the sector. If you would like to talk about your idea before applying contact Fiona Ferguson, Creative Development Director.


Wednesday 12 February at 5pm

How to apply

Answer the questions in the call out information here and send the answers to applications@imaginate.org.uk (with the subject title Imaginate at LAC) by Wednesday 12 February at 5pm.  The panel will meet on Monday 17 February and all applicants will be notified of the decisions by Monday 24 February.  All applicants will be offered feedback.

HIAL announced its plans to introduce a remote tower air traffic management system (ATMS) in January 2018 and since then HIAL staff, the Unions and key stakeholder groups have been kept informed on all aspects of the review from its inception.  In October 2019, the HIAL Board gave authority to seek funding from Scottish Government to progress the ATMS programme. Following approval from Scottish Government, a Business Case was approved by the Board in December, along with a number of specific recommendations. The strategic programme decisions made by the Board moves HIAL into the implementation phase of the ATMS project and will allow detailed operational decisions to be made.

The key decisions covered:

Purchase of New Century House for the Combined Surveillance Centre

Airspace and Surveillance Options

Sumburgh Approach Radar Service

Air Traffic Service (ATS) Training

Air Traffic Service provision at Benbecula and Wick John O’Groats

Dundee ATC position in ATMS Transition Plan

Operational/People Transition plan

To ensure all staff and stakeholders were aware of the strategic decisions made by the Board, a concentrated programme of local engagement events were undertaken from 17th to 22nd January. These sessions were the start of the next phase of our ongoing engagement programme to ensure our staff, stakeholders and partners are kept up-to-date and able to input their views as we move forward with the programme.

The sessions were not detailed technical briefings but generated honest feedback and questions. The feedback helps us enormously and will allow us to direct our ongoing engagement as we seek input from staff, stakeholders and partners.

We have compiled questions from the different sessions and have included these in the Air Traffic Management Strategy area of the website.