Responding to the First Minister’s statement in the Scottish Parliament today (18th June) on Scotland moving to Phase 2 of easing current lockdown measures as per the Scottish Government Roadmap, Dr Liz Cameron, Chief Executive of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce said:

“We welcome today’s further easing of some lockdown measures in Scotland. Many retailers will have some measure of relief to finally have a clearer idea of when they can re-open and what they will need to do to prepare for this while construction firms can now start working again. It will be a relief for many employers and will help to save jobs.

“Clearly current physical distancing limits at 2m is unsustainable for many businesses so we welcome the fact that this is being reviewed, with recommendations due within the next 2 weeks. We would suggest that the review be extended to consider the scientific evidence as adopted by many other countries together with the advice from the World Health Organisation. We all know that science can never be exact so it is important that a broader analysis and view is sought from others before final decisions are taken.

“There’s no doubt the challenges we face due to the global pandemic are extraordinary. But we need to move decisively and listen to the needs of employers as well as scientific advisors if we are to avoid permanent, long term economic collapse.’’

Cavendish Nuclear provides critical support to maintaining Nuclear Material Assay (NMA) equipment across the UK’s nuclear licenced sites. This requirement hasn’t changed despite the Covid-19 pandemic and the team has adapted quickly to ensure continuity of this important service.

The NMA equipment service Cavendish Nuclear provides ensures that nuclear sites and customers can continue to operate safely and compliantly with the assurance that key radiometric systems required for their operations remain maintained, calibrated and supported, ensuring the secure management of nuclear materials.

The service covers all elements of the nuclear fuel cycle; from production of nuclear material, receipt of spent fuel, through reprocessing, product storage and waste management, in addition to supporting some critical site security and regulatory systems.

For the Cavendish Nuclear NMA team, delivering a ‘business as usual’ service is defined as being able to respond to a customer’s request within less than two hours, returning a key instrument to service within eight hours and operating seven days a week from 0615hrs to 2245hrs.

In order to ensure continued service whilst; ensuring compliance with the new social distancing requirements, minimising travel and numbers at their Sellafield base at any one time and maintaining service coverage, the team had to quickly adapt their working arrangements to meet the current circumstances.

This included the efficient implementation of the following changes:

  • Reduction in shift team, which means equivalent reduction in attendance by team on-site, helping social distancing.
  • ‘Released’ shift team resources still remain available on a new scheduled rota system to give reserve or escalation cover if required
  • Collaboration with our main customer to allow extended use of our existing office base, providing social distancing and enhanced cleaning regime
  • Established new methods for team communications including the ability to send ‘text’ messages to existing pagers / bleeps in addition to issuing single Emergency Team messages to group of supplied personal mobile numbers
  • Increased use of IT to allow scheduled meetings and briefs to continue but by conference/video call options

Adrian McClelland, NMA Services Group Manager said, “The swift, proactive response from the team and their willingness to adapt, along with collaboration with our customers, has ensured we can continue to provide this critical service. We are proud of the recognition and positive feedback we’ve received from our customers for our flexible approach to this new challenge we all face.”

There has also been strong collaboration with wider Cavendish Nuclear teams, including the Radiometric Protection Instruments (RPI) and Measurement and Test Equipment (MTE) Groups, to support each other’s areas as well as supplying resources to some client work, again helping to reduce numbers on site across all of our teams.

On the publication by the ONS of UK Labour Market statistics in the three months to April 2020, Dr Liz Cameron, Chief Executive of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce said:

“These unemployment figures are concerning but they only hint at the scale of the challenge that lies ahead. Protecting jobs must be a top priority. We continue to call on the Chancellor to provide a flexible approach to the furlough scheme in Scotland. This includes extending it further for the hardest hit sectors such as hospitality and tourism. These sectors are where there is greatest risk of a jobs crisis, which will disproportionately affect young people and the low paid.

“The huge decrease in vacancies shows the gulf in opportunity that is widening when it comes to jobs in retail, hotels and restaurants. As businesses eagerly await detail of the measures we require to enter Phase 2 of the Scottish Government’s road map, it is clear that the relaxation of the 2 metre distance to 1 metre will be essential to prevent wholesale economic collapse of these sectors and support business recovery.’’

Local Health, Safety & Environmental Consultancy offer business owners FREE ‘Recovery Roadmap Consultation’ to support the health and wellbeing of staff ahead of embracing the new normal.

Sharon Wooller is the Director of Dava Dawn Consultancy which specialises in Health, Safety & Environmental projects.   With over 20 years’ experience working with businesses of all sizes and industries, Sharon is urging local businesses to be a step ahead of the curve by preparing health and safety focused ‘road maps’ to ensure staff are ready for the changes ahead, as well as being prepared for the new normal, noting that we MUST include staff to ensure maximum success!

Sharon explained, “As eager as businesses may be to open their doors again, we must be under no illusion that the whole process will be a daunting one and full of anxieties not only for business owners but their teams and customers”

Sharon believes it is vital that to be adequately prepared, health and safety protocols must get the ‘buy in’ from the most important people – the teams working day to day in the business.

Without the backing and understanding of the team, there is risk of a disjointed workforce. Through mentorship and coaching, Dava Dawn are able to work directly with businesses to ensure the whole team understand exactly why steps are put in place, and why they will be mandatory to ensure the business succeeds.

In 2019, it was recorded that there were over half a million work-related stress and anxiety cases within the work place – this is a staggering number, and with life as we know it already having changed so much – it is vital that business owners prepare and take the time to engage with their staff going forward.  Making their teams part of the recovery process will not only reduce staff anxiety but will allow them to understand the why and in turn will support the practices put in place which will ensure safety and well-being are at the forefront of the business.

Drew Hendry – Member of parliament for Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey, praised Dava Dawn, “As we transition to our new normal, businesses will need to consider the safety of their staff and customers, including measures such as social distancing. This is an incredibly generous offer by Sharon and her team the expertise will provide meaningful advice to business owners on how they can increase safety in their operation and I would encourage our local business community to take up this offer of help.”

“It will be the same teamwork we have seen through this crisis, that will see us through recovery and this is an inspiring example of how local businesses can support other employers to get back on their feet as we ease out of lockdown”.

Dava Dawn Consultancy covers Caithness, Sutherland, Moray, Inverness and the Central Belt offering bespoke, freelance and interim health, safety and environmental solutions to support businesses.  Dava Dawn can work with management teams or directly with core teams on the floor during the operational hours of the business– Dava Dawn has the expertise to engage and empower teams at the start to allow them to be feel part of the journey.

As part of the recovery process Dava Dawn are offering a Free Recovery Road Map Consultation to help businesses develop the building blocks to gain full engagement from their teams.  For more information on booking your FREE Recovery Road Map Consultation, you can get in touch via the website at

As part of Mental Health Awareness week, Cavendish Nuclear have been reflecting on some of the resources and support they have put in place to support their people during these extraordinary times and to reinforce their care, connect, trust culture. One example of this is the launch of a new series of short bite-size virtual learning events.

These events have been backed by Dominic Kieran, Cavendish Nuclear’s Managing Director and his leadership team, who saw them not only as a way to equip teams with the tools and techniques to navigate their way through these challenging times but to also enable colleagues to stay connected with one another and the business.

The short bite-size virtual learning events have also garnered support from the Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB), which is allocating funding for every person who attends the training.

David Lewis, ECITB Senior Account Manager for Nuclear, said: “The ECITB is engaging with all our employers to develop creative solutions to support their businesses through the Covid-19 period and beyond.

“For Cavendish Nuclear to quickly recognise the human impact on their staff during these unprecedented times and to develop a solution so quickly is an example to industry. We were only too happy to provide some really meaningful grant support to help.”

A number of the Cavendish Nuclear leadership team volunteered to take part in the delivery of the sessions including Kathryn Jones, Director of Programme Management & Project Controls. Kathryn said,

“Through the discussions we are able to weave in our own reflections and experiences of dealing with change or building resilience to help one another, so I was not only teacher but pupil as I also learned some new ideas and was reminded of the value of certain tools.”

Each training session lasts up to 60 minutes and are focused heavily on reinvigorating habits and practical ways to be more effective during lockdown. Topics delivered so far have included dealing with change, stress management and building emotional resilience. Having attended all sessions, Helen Shone, Assurance Advisor said,

“Being a Mental Health First Aider equips you with a wealth of resource to help others, but sometimes when it’s you that need to use them yourself, you forget and need a gentle nudge in the right direction! It is also a great opportunity to connect and listen to others across the business – sharing one another’s experiences really does help”.

Commenting on the First Minister’s announcement today that funding for Scottish businesses from the Pivotal Enterprise Resilience Fund is to be increased, Dr Liz Cameron OBE, Chief Executive of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce said:

“This is a good announcement today by the First Minister to double the Pivotal Enterprise Resilience Fund from £45 million to £90 million.

“The volume of applications to this fund was high, demonstrating that for many SME’s, working capital and cash in the bank could be the difference from surviving to going under.

“As ever, the speed of decision making and getting the money into our bank accounts is critical.’’

Commenting on the Scottish Government’s decision to extend the lockdown in Scotland by a further three weeks, Dr Liz Cameron OBE, Chief Executive of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce said:

“As with so many of us, businesses in Scotland are desperate to know when they can resume operations and how to do so safely.

“And while they want to see economic recovery, it must not be at the cost of a second wave of the virus causing a further clampdown. Businesses in Scotland are playing their part keeping employees and customers safe.

“We will continue to urge the Scottish and UK government to take a sensible and pragmatic approach to easing restrictions and both Governments must work hand in glove with business in a meaningful way to achieve this.”

The MoD have started the procurement process for the Site Management and Decommissioning of Vulcan.

Part of this process is holding a Market Engagement Day. Though the MoD are likely to be looking for a Tier 1 supplier for the overall contract, there will be opportunities for the local Tier 2, 3 and 4 supply chain and this Market Engagement Day will allow the supply chain to understand the process for the procurement, timescales and opportunities.

Due to COVID-19 the Market Engagement Day will be a virtual one held on Tuesday 9 June.

The Chamber will be making a short presentation on the day to outline the expertise of the local supply chain. Suppliers will also have access to our nuclear directory which many of you feature in, which includes those directly involved in decommissioning but also other services such as hotel accommodation, supplies, IT, transport, back office support etc, all of which are important and play a part in this size of contract.

Details are still to be finalised for the Market Engagement Day but to register go onto and then:

  1. Register for a DCO supplier account which allows UK suppliers to search and access the Vulcan PIN and associated Addendum which is a DCB opportunity (i.e. only open to UK suppliers).
  2. Suppliers should register on AWARD via the link below and provide the required information by midnight on 22nd May, as detailed in the PIN Addendum:
  3. Any suppliers still experiencing issues should contact the DCO helpdesk on 0800 282 324.
  4. The information available to suppliers at this time is included in the PIN, associated Addendum and on the AWARD tool. There are no charges associated with registrations for DCO or AWARD accounts.

Registering means you can get all the information and attend the Market Engagement Day, it doesn’t mean you have to go through the procurement process. Any problems with registration call the helpdesk number above.

Scottish businesses are facing a catastrophic decline in cashflow due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and are coming up against barriers in government support, a new survey has found.

A snap survey of just over 350 companies in Scotland undertaken by the Scottish Chambers of Commerce (SCC) has found that without access to support, 48% of these companies expect they will run out of cash in three months’ time which is how long stringent measures to mitigate the spread of
the virus are expected to be in place. Of these, 13% say they have less than a month before cash runs out.

Over three-fifths of firms (64%) who responded believe that there are gaps in the current business support measures offered by government. Half of firms surveyed have already furloughed – or intend to – furlough at least half of their workforce.

Commenting on the results, Dr Liz Cameron, Chief Executive of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce said:

“Both the UK and Scottish Government have moved quickly to staunch this catastrophic decline but what businesses are saying is it’s still not enough. If we are to prevent the Scottish economy from being damaged beyond recognition, businesses need cash in the bank now to be fit for when the country is able to start returning to day to day activities.

“Businesses are also looking for an economic recovery plan in Scotland that avoids a restart-stop scenario. We need clarity so we can plan ahead while still protecting the health of people across Scotland. Many are also concerned that Scotland’s recovery schedule doesn’t lag too far behind that in England, with the potential of creating a competitive disadvantage in Scotland.

“As we begin to look towards what the economic recovery phase will look like and what it will mean for businesses and jobs across the country, we must always remember the economy is about the people within it who will power us out of this crisis.

“Businesses are playing their part in saving lives and protecting the NHS, but we must also secure the economic future of our country and the livelihoods of those who work within it.’’

  • Cashflow: Almost half of companies (48%) say current cashflow levels will only cover them for a period of up to or less than 3 months
  • Barriers to support: Over three-fifths of firms (64%) believe that there are gaps in the current business support measures offered by government
  • Lack of uptake on the CBILS: Only 17% of respondents have used it or are planning to use it
  • High uptake on the CJRS: Over half of responses have already furloughed – or intend to furlough at least half of their workforce

Click here to view the summary findings