Scrabster Harbour Trust is managed by a Board consisting of six non-executive and one executive member.  Two non-executive vacancies are to arise at this year’s AGM and applications are invited to fill these vacancies.  Appointments will be for a term of three years.

The full Board requires to have wide and relevant experience, and candidates will therefore be expected to have skills and experience in business or industrial management, harbour operations, or administration and local community interests.  The ability to work well within a committee, to grasp and deal with complex issues and to express your own views clearly will be necessary.  Residence within a reasonable distance of the harbour and familiarity with local issues will be desirable.

Board Members are remunerated and are required to attend meetings and otherwise to devote two days per month on average to the work of the Board.  Duties are similar to those of a company director and will include responsibility for the proper exercise of the statutory functions of the Board.

For an application form with further details, please contact:

Mr E J Thoms

Clerk to Scrabster Harbour Trust

c/o Young Robertson & Co

29 Traill Street


Tel: 01847 893247



Closing date for applications –   noon on 4th August 2023

The Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) is pleased to launch a new Themed Competition called Autonomous Sensor Management and Sensor Counter Deception. Funded by Dstl, this competition seeks proposals that develop solutions for autonomous sensor management and sensor deception in intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) scenarios and represents the first phase of a competition being run in support of Dstl’s Sensor Fusion and Management (SFM) project which leads on generation-after-next sensor fusion and management research.

DASA will host a Q&A webinar on 20 July along with a series of 20 minute 1-2-1 teleconference sessions held on 27 July and 2 August to offer an opportunity to ask your specific questions to the competition team.


In Short:

  • Up to £800,000 (ex VAT) is available to fund multiple proposals
  • The deadline to submit a proposal is midday 13 September 2023
  • A Q&A webinar to discuss the competition requirements will take place on 20 July 2023
  • 1-2-1 sessions to discuss your specific questions will take place on the 27 July and 2 August 2023

This competition has two challenges:

Challenge 1: Sensor Management
Challenge 2: Sensor Counter Deception
Do you have an innovative idea to develop solutions for autonomous sensor management and sensor deception in intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) scenarios?


Learn more and submit a proposal!


Participate in our Q&A and 1-2-1 Sessions

DASA will host a Q&A session on 20 July where you can learn more about the competition requirements and ask your questions in an open forum.

Additionally, you can sign up to a series of 20 minute 1-2-1 teleconference sessions held on the 27 July and 2 August for the opportunity to ask specific questions directly to the project team.


Register for the Q&A Webinar 20 July


Register for a 1-2-1 Session 27 July


Register for a 1-2-1 Session 2 August


This month, we’re thrilled to welcome to our membership PA Consulting Services we look forward to working with them.

To discuss membership, please reach out to our Business Development manager, Fiona Levack. You can contact Fiona by email: You can read about membership on the website using this link.

If you’re already a member but would like a reminder of how to get the most from your membership, Fiona will gladly go over that with you too.

This month, we’re thrilled to welcome to our membership Highland Council (PSO) and Eastern Airways we look forward to working with them both.

To discuss membership, please reach out to our Business Development manager, Fiona Levack. You can contact Fiona by email: You can read about membership on the website using this link.

If you’re already a member but would like a reminder of how to get the most from your membership, Fiona will gladly go over that with you too.

DASA has launched a new innovation focus area (IFA) on behalf of dstl. This funding opportunity aims to investigate generation-after-next advanced materials for Defence. There are two challenges i) intelligent materials and structures and ii) materials for enhanced thermal management. There are multiple areas within these two challenges based on different domains. TRL at finish varies as does the length of the project and funding available (maximum £300k). It’s quite complicated but we have provided a useful summary table in the information:

This IFA will run for two cycles of the DASA Open Call. These cycles close midday 22 February 2023 and midday 25 April 2023. If you are interested then please send a 500-word EOI to Deb (What the idea is? Who might use the idea and how? What advantage the idea offers?) and she will ask the customer if they are interested in assessing a full proposal.

As ever, if you have any questions don’t hesitate to drop us a note.

Many kind regards,

DASA Scotland

Deb ( – Innovation Partner
Linda ( – Innovation Partner
Anis ( – Access to Mentoring and Finance Partner

We are pleased to announce a new DASA market exploration.

To remind you, these are effectively pre-competition market surveys and allow our customers to decide whether they will run a future DASA competition; they offer you an opportunity to influence that. The submission process is much shorter than applications for a DASA competition.

This market exploration, which closes at midday 20 January 2023, is about anti-submarine warfare technologies. Specifically, we are looking for innovative systems and technologies that could deliver persistent, deployable uncrewed maritime assets. Areas of interest include:

  • Sensors
  • Platforms
  • Analysis
  • Communication i
  • Launch and recovery solutions
  • Power sources
  • Station-keeping and propulsion
  • Navigation
  • Data
  • Maintenance and sustainment options
  • Training
  • Validation

More details are here

Many kind regards,

DASA Scotland

Deb ( – Innovation Partner
Linda ( – Innovation Partner
Anis ( – Access to Mentoring and Finance Partner

DASA is delighted to announce a new Themed Competition on whole body vibration (WBV). We have £2.5m to investigate three challenges:

Challenge 1: Define the size and nature of the problem

Challenge 2: Quantify exposure to WBV

Challenge 3: Establish the short-term effects of WBV on the performance of duties

£925k of the total £2.5m must be spent within the financial year 2023/2024 and deliverables must be planned with this in mind. We expect to fund between one and three proposals over a 47-month period. All contracts must complete by the end of March 2027. At least one funded proposal will be a multidisciplinary programme seeking to address all or the majority of the questions raised. Projects can start in the range of TRL1 to TRL5 but must progress to TRL6 by the end of the contract.

There is a webinar and general Q&A on 17 November 2022 and the opportunity to book 15-minute one-to-one sessions with the technical team on 22 and 29 November 2022. These will all be delivered by MS Teams. Eventbrite signup pages are provided in the competition document which is here:

Delighted to announce the launch of a new DASA Themed Competition seeking innovative technologies contributing to the development of a Novel Amphibious Craft concept to enable Commando Force to safely and rapidly insert themselves into high-threat environments. Future craft need to:

  1. travel at sustained high speed over a long-range,
  2. provide the ability to deliver personnel and light vehicles to a coastal access point with limited or no impact on operational speed/capability,
  3. relaunch from the coastal access point and
  4. operate with low signature across all spectrums (thermal, radar, visual, acoustic, etc.) to reduce the probability of detection.

We have £1m to support this competition. We expect proposals to be between £100k and £350k in value. This competition has two themes.

Theme 1: Priority Challenges

Theme 1 aims to address the following technical challenges faced by the capability:

  • Theme 1a: How to reduce the signature across multiple spectrums (thermal, radar, visual, acoustic etc.).
  • Theme 1b: How to deliver the Commando Force (troops and vehicles) across the water gap and minimise the requirement for wading.
  • Theme 1c: How to land onto/retract from an unprepared coastal access point.

Theme 2: Capability Design

Theme 2 aims to design a craft capable of delivering the complete capability defined above. This is a lower Technology Readiness Level (TRL) theme up to TRL4.

You can book one-to-one meetings with the Technical Team (using MS Teams) on 03 or 08 November. I’m sure these slots will go fast. The competition document (including Eventbrite links for the Teams meetings) is here:

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions you might have.

Many thanks,

DASA Scotland

Deb ( Innovation Partner
Linda ( Innovation Partner
Anis ( Access to Mentoring and Finance Partner

Firstly a new themed competition – CHERI within Defence and Security. It is funded by Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) Cyber Programme. There is £1.5 million funding available to experiment and trial the effects of the CHERI (Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions) based architecture extensions within the Arm’s Morello prototype System on Chip (SoC). We expect to fund a number of proposals up to £100k. The closing date is midday on 14th November.  Further details can be found here:

Secondly there is an opportunity to participate in a Novel Amphibious Craft Collaboration Day either in person in Newcastle or virtually.  The aim is to give innovators the chance to network with others in their community and help shape a future DASA competition, Novel Amphibious Craft. There will also be an opportunity to meet with experts from across DSTL, DE&S and the Royal Marines Commando Force. It will take place on 10 October 2022.  Note registration closed on Friday 30th September at midday.  Details are below: