25th September 2020

Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) has launched a new grant scheme for start-up or young (less than five years old) companies / social enterprises, the Young Company Capital Investment Scheme. This will provide grant funding of up to 50% of the costs (up to £50,000) for capital equipment.

The scheme is open to SMEs with a UK registered address, that can provide evidence of economic activity in the Highlands & Islands. Both unincorporated (sole trader, partnership, etc.) and incorporated (limited company, community interest company, etc.) forms of business can apply.

Full details of the scheme and eligibility criteria can be downloaded here. Anybody wishing to apply should contact enquiries@hie.co.uk for an application pack.

Note that businesses are required to provide various forms of evidence in support of an application. The Chamber is happy to provide advice and guidance to assist with, for example, drawing up an outline proposal or putting together cashflow projections. Simply email info@caithnesschamber.com or call us on 01847 890076 and one of our team will be happy to help.

Note that all completed applications must be submitted to HIE by 12 noon on 23 October 2020.

Highlands & Islands Enterprise - Logo

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E: info@caithnesschamber.com
T: 01847 890076