22nd September 2020

Scottish Chambers of Commerce urge governments to support jobs and safety

Scottish Chambers of Commerce call for:

  • Urgent delivery of targeted support to businesses and hardest-hit sectors.
  • Clear timetable and routemap of additional restrictions including review periods, measurement criteria and trigger points to introduce or remove restrictions.
  • Continuation of trading for businesses with robust Covid-secure environments.

Commenting on the announcement of new lockdown restrictions in Scotland by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, Dr Liz Cameron, Chief Executive, Scottish Chambers of Commerce said:

“Businesses across Scotland have already been following and even exceeding the rules put in place to protect our employees and customers. We have created Covid-secure environments to protect jobs and livelihoods. This will continue to be our priority.”

“Health & safety is absolutely critical. As employers, we take our responsibilities very seriously. Human behaviour is key to reducing the spread of the virus and we encourage everyone to follow Covid-19 guidelines in and out of the workplace.”

“Every restriction imposed is a risk to jobs. We need to see an immediate joint plan between the Scottish and UK Government with a package of support measures ready to go which gives businesses the confidence to plan, prepare and trade. We also require clarity on when the data and restrictions can be reviewed and lifted.”

“We are in a better position now than we were in March to be led by the health and economic data. Let’s be in no doubt that stricter measures in Scotland are undeniably more dangerous for the survival of businesses. That’s why both governments must support those employers who have worked hard to create safe working environments. They should be allowed to continue trading, with mitigations in place, if we are to protect jobs and businesses.”

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