20th February 2020

Hundreds of people turned out in Wick to get an insight into training opportunities and potential careers. The eighth annual Caithness Jobs and How to Get Them event was held in the town’s high school with nearly 40 businesses and organisations participating. Over 330 members of the public came along to hear about the wide career options and employment vacancies that are available.

More than just a jobs fair, the event also offered those attending the chance to learn about the skills required for future careers and the opportunities to access training and other support options. Presentations were delivered by NHS Highland, the armed forces and the tourism industry.

Much attention at present is on apprenticeships and North Highland College UHI gave information and advice on the benefits of Foundation Apprenticeships on offer to S5 and S6 pupils while still studying at school.

Open to everyone, the event offers an opportunity for a range of people – including those already employed but who may be considering a career change, those actively seeking work and volunteers looking for new opportunities – to meet and talk with multiple employers.

This event is led by Caithness Chamber of Commerce’s Developing the Young Workforce North Highland (DYW) initiative in partnership with Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Jobcentre Plus, North Highland College UHI and Skills Development Scotland. This year the event also had the assistance of two S3 pupils from Wick High School who brought a fresh perspective to the steering group.

Marcus Mennie, DYW project coordinator, said: “We were delighted to host another successful event and to see such a good turnout from the public. This event always offers a great opportunity for people of all ages to find out more about the career opportunities available in the area.

“Our thanks go to Wick High School for hosting the event, High Life Highland for its assistance in setting up the venue, the Corner Café who provided catering and of course all the employers who participated in and supported this event. Without these people the event would not be the success it is.”

Images of the Caithness Jobs Event:

  • Caithness Jobs 2020 (4 of 75)
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A similar event was held in Sutherland just a few weeks later…

The Developing the Young Workforce project team attended Dornoch Academy on Thursday, 20th February and were joined by employers, North Highland College UHI and pupils from Golspie and Dornoch Academy to chat about career and study opportunities in Sutherland.
North Highland College UHI spoke with pupils about courses and study options available while businesses explained what they do, the skills they’re looking for from a potential workforce and any apprenticeship opportunities currently available.

Images of the Sutherland Jobs event:

  • Sutherland Jobs 2020 (1 of 45)
  • Sutherland Jobs 2020 (7 of 45)
  • Sutherland Jobs 2020 (10 of 45)
  • Sutherland Jobs 2020 (11 of 45)
  • Sutherland Jobs 2020 (16 of 45)
  • Sutherland Jobs 2020 (28 of 45)
  • Sutherland Jobs 2020 (33 of 45)
  • Sutherland Jobs 2020 (42 of 45)


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E: info@caithnesschamber.com
T: 01847 890076