20th January 2020

Identifying radiation in complex, constrained nuclear environments has typically required cumbersome and bulky equipment. AmCam is a new, unique, innovative technology that enables customers to identify areas of fissile material contamination in real-time, using a hand-held device.

AmCam is a compact, lightweight device that combines a gamma ray spectrometry detector with a small video camera, capable of indicating radiation count rate alongside a corresponding video image of the area being surveyed.

Simple and intuitive to use, AmCam, enables customers to decommission safer, faster, at lower cost by enabling them to quickly identify areas of contamination and target them for clean-up.
AmCam is already being used in active trials at customer sites, helping them identify areas of contamination that can be targeted for clean-up or provide assurance that there are no areas of contamination.

Tony Burnett, Head of Innovation and Technology for Cavendish Nuclear, said, “Delivering nuclear services safer, faster, at lower cost for our customers is core to our business. AmCam is a fantastic example of how we are leveraging innovation and technology, with the customer in mind, to deliver a product that is simpler, safer and quicker to use than existing products, and which delivers results in real-time.”

Key benefits include:
• Quick identification of the location of material build up within gloveboxes
• Use of images to pinpoint the origins of elevated radioactive activities
• Estimates can be made of the dose rates and activity levels of hotspots
• Aiding efficient clean-up for Post Operations Clean Out (POCO)
• Enabling characterisation of the waste category segregation processes used to plan and target future POCO operations.

AmCam is ideally suited to POCO in alpha plant decommissioning, for both UK and international customers. Applications include internal and external glovebox surveys, pipework monitoring and in-cell characterisation.

Developed by Cavendish Nuclear using our internal product development process, AmCam forms part of our world-class plant characterisation service portfolio.
Find out more, contact: instrumentservices@cavendishnuclear.com or Jonathan Britton (01925 377800).
Watch the short 2 min AmCam video


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