21st June 2024

Caithness Chamber of Commerce calls on the next UK Government to fully recognise the critical importance of the North Highlands, given its significant national assets.

Ahead of the General Election taking place on Thursday 4 July 2024, Caithness Chamber of Commerce highlights key priorities it believes the region’s next MP and UK Government must tackle.

Whoever forms the next UK Government must partner with business to tackle the challenges and grow the economy.  The country succeeds when business succeeds. We are asking the next UK Government to work closely with the business community to help deliver the most pro-growth policies to turbo-charge investment, innovation and job creation.

The economy ranks among the top three issues for UK voters. As a chamber network, the companies we represent are pivotal in driving economic growth and employing millions of people. Our members and employees demand confidence in the Government’s support for businesses.

The North Highland region is fundamental to the nation’s transition to renewable power and is at the cusp of transformational developments and opportunities. National assets such as Space, Offshore Wind and significant electricity transmission infrastructure are being developed and planned in our region and off our shores. It is imperative that the next UK Government acknowledges the unique needs of the North Highlands, considering the significant national assets it houses.

A comprehensive action plan by the new UK ministers is necessary to foster rural employment, provide suitable housing, enhance transport connectivity, and support communities. It is crucial to ensure true progress and levelling up in collaboration with businesses, communities, and stakeholders. Whilst some of these are devolved issues, we believe UK Government still has a duty and responsibility given this region’s national importance in the UK’s transition to net zero.

Political parties and both the UK and Scottish Governments must urgently set aside their differences and prioritise delivering for the people, rather than focusing on party politics. This novel approach is desperately needed to realise significant opportunities for empowering and transforming communities like the North Highlands, ensuring they are not left behind.

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