30th July 2024

A new, fully funded, short course aimed at engineers and technicians looking to train in green engineering maintenance skills is now open for applications from businesses.

The ‘Green Engineers for the Future’ five-day short course is a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, focusing on sustainability and the integration of engineering maintenance and control practices with ‘green principles.’

The course will be delivered from August in the newly opened Green Engineering Maintenance Workshop based in UHI North, West and Hebrides’ Engineering, Technology and Energy Centre in Thurso.

The official opening of the workshop took place earlier this month and welcomed funders, local employers and staff, giving them the opportunity to learn more about the course, meet the team, and tour the facilities.

Lydia Rohmer, Principal and Chief Executive of UHI North, West and Hebrides, welcomed attendees at the launch event and said: “This training course is aimed at people already working in the engineering industry, who want to upskill in green engineering skills and drive more sustainable practices in their business. It will provide an important platform to help engineers and technicians apply ‘greener’ and more sustainable practices to their operations. This is particularly important for businesses in our region, who are leading the way when it comes to renewable energy and the move towards net zero.”

The course and workshop have been supported and funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund through the Highland Council’s Green Skills Training Fund.

The funding has not only enabled the construction of the new workshop but will also fully fund the initial six training cohorts for businesses. Priority funded enrolment will be given to small and microbusinesses, ensuring that local enterprises have access to essential green skills training.

Two course sessions are scheduled to begin on August 19th and October 21st, with three additional courses planned for late 2024 and early 2025. Limited places are still available for these upcoming sessions.

For more information about the ‘Green Engineers for the Future’ course or to book a place, please contact: Business.nwh@uhi.ac.uk.

This new course is part of continued development of the Engineering offer across UHI North, West and Hebrides which also includes a new Future Energy Lab and engineering training facilities at the Stornoway campus. These new facilities will officially open later this year as part of their Outer Hebrides Campus Redevelopment Project.

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E: info@caithnesschamber.com
T: 01847 890076