22nd July 2024

The Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) is pleased to launch a new £2 million Themed Competition called Innovation in Support of Operations. Run on behalf of the Ministry of Defence, this competition seeks fast paced scalable proposals across four key challenge areas:

  • Novel and enhanced scale complex manufacture of materiel
  • Autonomous system navigation and applique options
  • Wide-area sense and detect
  • Innovative solutions for minefield breaching

The UK Government is continually assessing lessons from world events. From these lessons, we seek to rapidly adopt solutions that enhance our military and economic advantage. This competition intends to identify nearly ready solutions and techniques that can be accelerated into scalable and deliverable effect faster than our adversaries.

Do you have a suitable innovation? Read the full competition document and submit a proposal.

In short:

  • DASA has launched a new Themed Competition: Innovation in Support of Operations
  • Funded by the MOD
  • Total funding available is £2 million (excluding VAT)
  • The competition will be continuously open over three cycles with closing dates of 10 September, 22 October and 3 December

Learn more here and submit a proposal

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E: info@caithnesschamber.com
T: 01847 890076