3rd May 2022

Scrabster Harbour’s latest facilities for cruise liners welcomed their first vessel, with MS Hamburg berthing at the redeveloped St. Ola Pier on 3rd May.

The vessel, operated by Plantours Kreuzfahrten, arrived from Oban with around 300 German passengers on board and tied up on the new 250 metre east berth, part of the £19 million multi-purpose redevelopment works at the Caithness port completed in late 2021.

The passengers enjoyed a number of excursions around Caithness before departing for Rosyth.

Jason Hamilton, Harbour Master at Scrabster Harbour Trust, said “It is great to have our first call on the redeveloped pier.  The additional berthing and quayside facilities are part of our plan to attract and service the cruise industry.  We are working hard with local partners to promote Scrabster and our local attractions to the cruise industry”

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